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Collateral Damage? The Toxic Legacy of War

Posted by on 12:00 pm in Environment | Comments Off on Collateral Damage? The Toxic Legacy of War

On this program we take a look at the toxic legacy of war and some impacts of war on the environment and human health.

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The Right-Wing Stuff: Movement Conservatives in the U.S.

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On this program, we take a look at some of the components of the Far Right. We also examine the Religious Right and its ties to the Bush Administration.

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Going Hungry in a World of Plenty

Posted by on 12:00 pm in Environment | 1 comment

On this program, we take a look at the role multinational corporations play in perpetuating the cycle of hunger. We also hear how so-called free trade and food aid contributes to starvation.

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What is Security? Budget Cuts Make Way for War

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On this program, we take a look at ways the Bush administration plans to spend billions of tax dollars on what it calls security. We also hear about how the state of the economy and potential budget cuts threaten the economic security of many families.

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Toxic Sprawl: Pollution in the U.S.

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On this program we take a look at the environmental and social impacts of polluting industries. We also examine how unregulated and unlimited suburban sprawl locates these industries in communities of color.

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Concrete Cages and Cash: The U.S. Prison Industry

Posted by on 12:00 pm in Governance | Comments Off on Concrete Cages and Cash: The U.S. Prison Industry

On this program, the National Radio Project’s Prison Desk takes a look at the economics of U.S. prisons, and at how politicians and corporations are making choices that may severely impact the future.

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Unnecessary Evil? Animal Testing and Human Health

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On this program, we take a look at the Animal Welfare Act, and current debates about whether animal tests are necessary and reliable enough to ensure human health.

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Taking Liberties: Attacks on Civil Rights in the U.S.

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On this program, we take a historical look at the McCarthy era, and at the current political climate, which has led to the erosion of civil liberties.

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Alternative Visions: The World Social Forum 2002

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On this program, we hear from farmers, organizers, union members and others about their work in a growing movement to establish alternatives to corporate-led globalization.

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Viva Las Mujeres: Women Challenge Globalization

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On this program from the Women’s Desk of the National Radio Project, indigenous women from Mexico and Honduras discuss their work.

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The Usual Suspects? Racial Profiling in the U.S.

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On this program we speak to African-American organizers, police officers and religious leaders who are working to put a stop to this practice in their communities. We also take a look at another form of racial profiling: retail discrimination.

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Temp Work: Full-Time Insecurity

Posted by on 12:00 pm in Labor | Comments Off on Temp Work: Full-Time Insecurity

On this program, we take a look at how the temporary work industry can offer some opportunities, but can also perpetuate job insecurity.

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Walking the Talk: Women Fighting Racism Worldwide

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In September of 2001, thousands of people met at a United Nations conference in South Africa to tackle issues of racism, xenophobia, and other forms of discrimination. On this program from the Women’s Desk of the National Radio Project, we bring you the voices of women from around the world who attended the conference.

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Biowars: First, Do No Harm

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On this program, we investigate the threats of a new biological arms race and the international efforts to stop it.

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Oil and Outrage Flare: An Audio Journey Through the Niger Delta

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On this program, we hear from people who are taking risks, and demanding control over resources in their communities.

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Homefield Disadvantage: U.S. Stadium Construction

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On this program, we take a look at the impacts of stadium construction on communities and tax payers in the United States.

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Busted? The U.S. Economy

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On this program we take a look at the state of the U.S. economy and what may be in store for the future.

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Regulating Motherhood: Race, Class and Policy

Posted by on 12:00 pm in Health | Comments Off on Regulating Motherhood: Race, Class and Policy

On this program from the Women’s Desk of the National Radio Project, we discuss how drug laws, welfare reform, and the foster care system affect women and families who are low-income.

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Artful Resistance

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On this program, we take a look at the role art plays in resistance. We’ll hear from musicians, actors, and poets, who speak to the issues of justice through the language of art.

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White Lies: The Drug War In Colombia

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More than 150 people employed by U.S.-based corporations are directly involved in military operations in Colombia. These hired guns work closely with the Colombian military, fumigating coca crops and assisting in counterinsurgency efforts. On this program, we take a look at U.S. involvement in Colombia.

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