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Going Hungry in a World of Plenty


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Twenty-first century high technology has not abated hunger. Pesticides and industrialized processing deplete needed nutrients, often doing more harm than good. On this program, we take a look at the role multinational corporations play in perpetuating the cycle of hunger. We also hear how so-called free trade and food aid contributes to starvation.


Debi Barker, co-director of the International Forum on Globalization; Frances Moore LappĂ©, author of “Diet for a Small Planet”; Dr. Marcia Ishii-Eiteman, Pesticide Action Network; Yolette Etienne, a leader of women’s cooperatives in Haiti; Janice Oliver, deputy director for the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition; Wenonah Hauter, Public Citizen; Arthur Hughes, president of the Northeast Council of Food Inspection Locals; Dr. Mark Wheelis, a microbiologist at the University of California at Davis.

For more information:

International Forum on Globalization – San Francisco, California

Public Citizen – Washington, DC

Pesticide Action Network – San Francisco, California

Oxfam Haiti – Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Author: FoC Media

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