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Concrete Cages and Cash: The U.S. Prison Industry


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In the last 20 years in the United States, the federal and state governments have not fully met the needs for education, health care and other services, while funneling huge amounts of tax dollars into incarceration. On this program, the National Radio Project’s Prison Desk takes a look at the economics of U.S. prisons, and at how politicians and corporations are making choices that may severely impact the future.


Rose Braz, Critical Resistance; Keith Ernst, Institute for Southern Studies; Ruthie Gilmore, professor at the University of California at Berkeley, and with the Prison Moratorium Project; Mafruza Khan and Phil Mattera, Good Jobs First; Kamau Marcharia, Grassroots Leadership; Allegra Searle-LaBel, Prison Activist Resource Center.

For more information:

Critical Resistance – Oakland, California

Institute for Southern Studies – Durham, North Carolina

Prison Activist Resource Center – Berkeley, California

Good Jobs First – Washington, DC

Grassroots Leadership – Jenkinsville, South Carolina

Author: FoC Media

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