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The Debt Treadmill: Cyclical Poverty in the Third World (encore edition)

On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at international debt, its causes, and why some are calling for the debts to be cancelled.


In Whose Service? GATS and the WTO

Through discussion of the General Agreement on Trade in Services, we’ll take a look at the World Trade Organization’s momentum toward privatization of all service sectors, from accounting to electricity.


Where the Buck Stops: Alternative Economics

On this program, we take a look at alternative economics and how new ideas about markets, currency, and resource allocation are fairing in a world dominated by capitalism.


Going Hungry in a World of Plenty

On this program, we take a look at the role multinational corporations play in perpetuating the cycle of hunger. We also hear how so-called free trade and food aid contributes to starvation.


Alternative Visions: The World Social Forum 2002

On this program, we hear from farmers, organizers, union members and others about their work in a growing movement to establish alternatives to corporate-led globalization.


Viva Las Mujeres: Women Challenge Globalization

On this program from the Women’s Desk of the National Radio Project, indigenous women from Mexico and Honduras discuss their work.


Oil and Outrage Flare: An Audio Journey Through the Niger Delta

On this program, we hear from people who are taking risks, and demanding control over resources in their communities.


Inside Capital

News From the Streets and Suites of Washington and the World During the week of April 10 through April 14, 2000, National Radio Project and Free Speech Radio News broadcast daily, half-hour programs focusing on the Spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank held in Washington, D.C. This collaborative project, “Inside Capital: News from the Streets and Suites of Washington and the World,” featured...

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World Trade Watch Radio

During the World Trade Organization’s five day summit in Seattle, Washington, the National Radio Project collaborated with the Institute for Public Accuracy and Corporate Watch to broadcast live, one-hour daily programs.

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