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The Debt Treadmill: Cyclical Poverty in the Third World (encore edition)


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Heads-of-state, rock-stars, activists and many others have called for debt relief for heavily indebted poor countries of the Global South. On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at international debt, its causes, and why some are calling for the debts to be cancelled.


Njoki Njehu and Soren Ambrose, 50 Years is Enough: U.S. Network for Global Economic Justice; Brian Ashley, Alternative Information and Development Center; Nunu Kidane, International Development Exchange; Seydina Senghor, Jubilee 2000; Camille Chalmers, PAPDA.

For more information:

50 Years is Enough: U.S. Network for Global Economic Justice
Washington, DC

Alternative Information and Development Center
Mowbray 7705, South Africa

International Development Exchange – San Francisco, California

Jubilee 2000 – New York, New York


Author: FoC Media

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