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The New Green Revolution

On this edition, we take a look at the challenges rural people face, and the growing international movement to gain land rights.


Harvesting Justice

On this edition, we’ll hear from speakers working on behalf of farm workers in the U.S. today, and we’ll hear from some of the farm workers themselves. Their message is clear: America’s farming community deserves our recognition and our support.


CAFTA: The Cost of Free Trade

On this edition, we’ll take a look at the potential impacts of the new Central American Free Trade Agreement, also known as CAFTA.


ElectionWatch ’04: Taxonomics: Federal Tax Cuts and the Budget Deficit

On this edition of ElectionWatch ’04, we take a look at how Bush’s tax cuts impact the economy, state budgets, and small businesses.


ElectionWatch ’04 – Home Economics: Women and Voting

On this edition of Making Contact’s ElectionWatch’04- a monthly special from the National Radio Project- we explore the pre-election concerns of a variety of women, including women in labor unions, Latina immigrants and unmarried women as powerful voting blocs.


Empty Promises? NAFTA at 10

On this edition of Making Contact, we hear from people who are working on the front lines of so-called free trade-farmers and a fisherman-and get their perspectives on corporate-led economic globalization.


ElectionWatch ’04: Participation and the Common Good

On this edition of Making Contact we take a look at “democracy in action.” We speak with tenants rights activists in the San Francisco area who are fighting for affordable housing.


Trading Democracy: The WTO and Public Interests

On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at the WTO, public interests, and civil society opposition to an international trade regime.


Deadly Extractions: Oil and Mining Interests in Africa

On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at some examples: In Tanzania a Canadian-based corporation is accused of burying alive artisan miners in order to acquire control of a gold mine; and, the drive for oil has sparked political and social upheavals in Sudan and Angola.


Shifting the Debate: Alternatives to Corporate Globalization

On this edition, we’ll hear from two key advocates of alternatives to economic globalization: physicist Vandana Shiva and economist John Cavanagh.
