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ElectionWatch ’04: Taxonomics: Federal Tax Cuts and the Budget Deficit


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During his Presidential bid in 2000, then-Governor George W. Bush said tax cuts would help those at the bottom end of the economic ladder. During his 4 years of Presidency, however, it is the wealthy who have benefited the most from those tax breaks. Meanwhile, in the face of these tax cuts, funding for social services has decreased, creating the country’s largest deficit. Many economists are predicting a fiscal train wreck. On this edition of ElectionWatch ’04, we take a look at how Bush’s tax cuts impact the economy, state budgets, and small businesses.


Kevin Hasset, Director of Economic Policy Studies, American Enterprise Institute; David Khan, Professor of Economics at UC Santa Cruz; Heather Boushey, Economist, Center for Economic Policy Research; Doug Henwood, Editor, Left Business Observer; Chris Hartman, United For A Fair Economy; Jean Ross, California Budget Project; Nick Johnson, Center for Budget and Policy Priorities; Scott Klinger, Co-Director, Responsible Wealth Project.

For more information:

Left Business Observer – New York City, NY

Economist, Center for Economic Policy Research

American Enterprise Institute – Washington, DC

United for A Fair Economy – Boston, MA

California Budget Project – Sacramento, CA

Center for Budget and Policy Priorities – Washington, DC

Responsible Wealth Project – Boston, MA

Author: FoC Media

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