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CAFTA: The Cost of Free Trade


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Frequently compared to the decade-old North American Free Trade Agreement, the new Central American Free Trade Agreement, or CAFTA, extends many of the same economic policies as far south as Costa Rica. Critics of CAFTA say NAFTA is responsible for high unemployment, a growing gap between the rich and poor, and massive migration from Mexico. While the Bush administration celebrates CAFTA as a leap forward, ordinary citizens from the US and throughout Central America aren’t so sure. On this edition, we’ll take a look at the potential impacts of CAFTA.


Faustino Chalez, President of the Peten Front Against Hydroelectric Dams; Jorge Mario Sub, President of the Alliance for Life and Peace; Seforiano Caceres de Vaca, President of the Federation of Land, Cattle and Agro-Industries Organizations; Bertha Caceres, Civic council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations in Honduras (COPINH); Santiago Vazquez, regional coordinator for COPINH; Ana Maria Bravona, Nicaraguan Federation of Textile Workers and STITCH; Wendy López, Guatemalan factory worker; Vidalia García, General Secretary of the NB workers union; Mari Mejía, Worker’s Support Center, Guatemala; Rosalina Tuyuc, a Cackchikel Mayan indigenous woman who coordinates CONAVIGUA; Regina Vargo, United States trade negotiator; María Domingo, Mayan activist with Mama Makín; George Barisich, President of the United Commerical Fishermen’s Association; AJ Fabre, President of the Louisiana Shrimp Association; Kimberley Chauvin, shrimper.

For more information:

Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH) – Honduras

Alianza Por La Vida y La Paz, Peten, Guatemala – Guatemala

Frente Petenero Contra las Represas, Peten, Guatemala – Guatemala

Federacion Nacional de Cooperative As Agropecuarias y Agroindustriales (FENACOOP) – Managua, Nicaragua

STITCH (Support Team International for Textileras) – Washington, DC

(FESTRAS) Federacion Sindical De Trabajajadores De La Alimentacion Agro
Industrias Y Similares

Coordinadora Nacional de Viudas de Guatemala- National Widows Coordination of Guatemala (CONAVIGUA) – Guatemala City, Guatemala

Louisiana Shrimp Association – Grand Isle, Louisiana

United Commercial Fisherman’s Association – Chalmette, LA

Mesa Global

Shrimp Express – Chauvin, LA
985-856-0292 or 985-594-6304

United States Trade Representative

Stop Cafta

Author: FoC Media

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