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25 Years of AIDS: Global Voices (encore edition)

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25 Years of AIDS: Global Voices (encore edition)

It’s been 25 years since the start of the AIDS epidemic. This week on Making Contact, a special collaboration with Human Rights Watch, we’ll hear stories from positive people and activists in the places worst hit by the epidemic.

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Women Rising IX: International Changemakers – Honoring Elder Women Activists

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Women Rising IX: International Changemakers – Honoring Elder Women Activists

Women are gaining influence as leaders throughout the world fighting for peace, justice, the environment and civil society. In this program we profile three courageous women elders honoring their lives of dedication to far reaching social movements.

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Last Rights: Respecting Diversity at the End of Life

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Last Rights: Respecting Diversity at the End of Life

In the American health care system, “good end-of-life care” often supports the white middle-class, but people of diverse religions, languages and races often have very different needs and expectations. On this edition, producer Claire Schoen looks at how miscommunication, stereotyping and racism influence health care for people of color as they approach death.

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American Health Care – On the Road to Nowhere

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American Health Care – On the Road to Nowhere

Americans can’t afford health care and the U.S. is the only industrialized nation that does not guarantee universal health care. Joshua Smith is an uninsured freelance journalist, who traveled across the country to find out what others are saying about the state of health care in the U.S.

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A Public Eye on the Christian Right

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A Public Eye on the Christian Right

The evangelical right gets a lot of airtime on cable, radio, and television, but what’s really being said behind the scenes? This week, Abby Scher takes us to the “Values Voter Summit” in Washington, DC, where leaders of the Christian right gathered to talk about gay marriage, abortion, and terrorism.

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Last Stand for Choice in Mississippi

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Last Stand for Choice in Mississippi

In Jackson, Mississippi the battle over abortion was kicked into high gear when an eight day anti-abortion demonstration ensued in the state’s capital this past summer. On this edition, we take a closer look at the women fighting to save the one remaining abortion clinic in the state.

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David Korten and the Great Turning

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David Korten and the Great Turning

David Korten new book, “The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community” examines how current economic models are producing devastating consequences for people and planet. In this edition, Korten speaks about being on the cusp of a major shift from a world dominated by economic values to one that embraces human values.

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LGBTQ:On the Streets, In the Schools, Outside the System (encore edition)

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LGBTQ:On the Streets, In the Schools, Outside the System (encore edition)

Thousands of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer (LGBTQ) youth are forced out on to the streets, and face harassment, homophobia and even violence. We’ll hear from the LGBTQ community, on the streets, in the schools and outside the system.

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The Color of Wealth

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The Color of Wealth

Income generation is one indicator of power differences between racial groups in the United States. But accumulated wealth, not income alone, may be the most revealing index of inequality.

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Syria and the Search for Middle East Peace

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Syria and the Search for Middle East Peace

On this edition, foreign correspondent Reese Erlich presents a one-on-one interview with Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad.

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Women Rising VII: International Changemakers in Politics (encore edition)

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Women Rising VII: International Changemakers in Politics (encore edition)

In this program we profile three courageous politicians, women who have chosen to create progressive change through government.

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Border Stories: On the Frontlines of the Immigration Debate

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Border Stories: On the Frontlines of the Immigration Debate

On this edition, people who’ve risked their lives to enter the U.S. undocumented share their personal stories of why they came, and what they hope for their futures and the future of immigrants in this country.

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The Attica Rebellion

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The Attica Rebellion

September 9-13th, 2006 marks the 35th anniversary of the Attica Rebellion, a massive prison rebellion, massacre and cover-up in New York. On this edition, we present a documentary produced by the Freedom Archives.

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Katrina Uncovers: Black Land and Labor

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Katrina Uncovers: Black Land and Labor

Many of Katrina’s refugees assert the “right to return” as part of the deep historical relationship African- Americans have to land in the south. On this edition, we’ll hear from three community organizers.

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Waves of Change, Rivers of Doubt: Global Water Issues and Solutions (hour-long special)

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Waves of Change, Rivers of Doubt: Global Water Issues and Solutions (hour-long special)

we look at some core water issues affecting people around the world, including privatization, access to clean water, desalination technology, bottled water debates, and non-point source pollution.

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Waves of Change, Rivers of Doubt: Global Water Issues and Solutions

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Waves of Change, Rivers of Doubt: Global Water Issues and Solutions

In this edition, we look at some core water issues affecting people around the world, including privatization, access to clean water, desalination technology, bottled water debates, and non-point source pollution.

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25 Years of AIDS: Global Voices

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25 Years of AIDS: Global Voices

It’s been 25 years since the start of the AIDS epidemic. This week on Making Contact, a special collaboration with Human Rights Watch, we’ll hear stories from positive people and activists in the places worst hit by the epidemic.

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War and Life in Iraq

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Shortly after the fall of Saddam Hussein, Making Contact’s Aaron Glantz traveled to Iraq as an un-embedded journalist for Pacifica Radio. In collaboration with Iraqi journalist Salam Talib, they offer a unique window into life in wartime.

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The Past, Present and Future of Nuclear Weapons (encore edition)

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The Past, Present and Future of Nuclear Weapons (encore edition)

On this edition, we look at the past, present and possible future of nuclear weapons, from the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, to the War on Terror, and an update on efforts toward nuclear disarmament.

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Women Rising VIII: International Changemakers Protecting the Environment

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Women Rising VIII: International Changemakers Protecting the Environment

On this edition, we profile four courageous young ecology activists, going to court for environmental justice and leading regional cooperation to rescue precious natural resources and indigenous cultures.

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