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A Public Eye on the Christian Right


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Rev. Barry W. Lynn, director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Source:

Rev. Barry W. Lynn, director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Source:


The evangelical right gets a lot of airtime on cable, radio, television and in the mass media in general. But, a lot of the messages you hear are distilled for a mainstream audience. So what’s really being said behind the scenes? This week, Abby Scher takes us behind the scenes to the “Values Voter Summit” in Washington, DC, where leaders of the Christian right gathered to talk about gay marriage, abortion, and terrorism. With the upcoming elections, evangelical right leaders say there are two wars America is fighting: terrorism and the war for values.

Scher, editor of Public Eye, a publication that monitors the activities and agenda of the Christian right, attended the summit in September 2006, along with dozens of other liberal activists.


Gary Bauer, Americans United to Preserve Marriage; Reverend James Dobson, director, Focus on the Family; Sean Hannity, host, FOX-TV; Jennifer Giroux, Citizens For Community Values; Rev. Harry Jackson, Jr., Hope Christian Church; Dr. Robert Jones, Center for American Values/People for the American Way; Rev. Barry W. Lynn, director, Americans United For the Separation of Church and State; Connie Mackey, vice president, FRC Action;Katherine Ragsdale, Political Research Associates Director; Alan Sears, president, Alliance Defense Fund; Wendy Watson, Restore America.

Senior Producer/Host: Tena Rubio
Freelance Producer: Abby Scher
Mixing Engineer: Phillip Babich
Freelance Associate Producer: Emily Polk
Intern: Alexis McCrimmon

For more information:

Political Research Associates – Somerville, MA

Americans United for Separation of Church and State – Washington, DC

People For the American Way (Center for American Values) – Washington, DC

Alliance Defense Fund – Scottsdale, AZ

Americans United to Preserve Marriage/American Values – Arlington, VA

Citizens For Community Values – Cincinnati, OH

FRC Action – Washington, DC 

Hope Christian Church – Bowie, MD

Restore America – Lake Oswego, OR

Focus on the Family – Colorado Springs, CO

Author: FoC Media

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