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Waves of Change, Rivers of Doubt: Global Water Issues and Solutions


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Source:  Award-winner: The segment Maui Water Issues by Robynn Takayama won a National Journalism Award - Radio - Unlimited Subject Matter category, Asian American Journalists Association.

An hour-long version of this program is available here

Water… it’s the source of all life. 70 percent of the planet is covered in it, and more than half of your body is made up of it. We use water everyday to refresh, revive, to subsist… yet, water resources are growing increasingly scarce around the world and access to potable water is
alarmingly difficult in some regions.

In this edition, we look at some core water issues affecting people around the world, including privatization, access to clean water, desalination technology, bottled water debates, and non-point source pollution.

For a free Listener Packet of additional print material on water issues call 800-529-5736.


Kapua Sproat, attorney, Earthjustice; Duke Sevilla, co-founder and treasurer, Hui o Na Wai `Eha; Alan M. Arakawa, Mayor of Maui; Avery Chumbley, president, Wailuku Water Company; Wenonah Hauter, executive director, Food and Water Watch; Geoffrey Segal, director, Privatization and Government Reform/Reason Foundation; Chuck Swartzle, president, Besco Water Treatment, Inc.; William E. Lobenherz, Michigan Soft Drink Association; Dave Dempsey, Clean Water Action Great Lakes; Karl B. Stinson, operations manager, Alameda County Water District; Dr. Peter Gleick, director, The Pacific Institute; Richard Stover, Energy Recovery Inc; Conner Everts, director, Desal Response Group.

Senior Producer/Host/Writer: Tena Rubio.
Contributing Producers: Robynn Takayama, Lester Graham, Brian Edwards-Tiekert.

For more information:

Earthjustice – Honolulu, HI

Mayor, County of Maui – Wailuku, Maui, HI

Wailuku Water Company – Wailuku, HI

Hui o Na Wai `Eha – Wailuku, HI

Food and Water Watch – Washington, DC

Clean Water Action National Office – Washington, DC

Besco Water Treatment, Inc.

The Pacific Institute – Oakland, CA

Energy Recovery Inc. – San Leandro, CA

Desal Response Group – Santa Monica, CA

Author: FoC Media

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