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The Attica Rebellion


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The Attica Rebellion. Source: The Freedom Archives

The Attica Rebellion. Source: The Freedom Archives

September 9-13th, 2006 marks the 35th anniversary of the Attica Rebellion, a massive prison rebellion, massacre and cover-up in New York. The story of Attica is one of the most brutal and heroic chapters in United States history. After a five-day occupation, 45 people were killed, 150 were shot and hundreds were tortured. As one slogan from 1971 read, “Attica is all of us.”

Currently, with more than 2 million people imprisoned in the U.S., the story of Attica needs to be told, and the origins of the current anti-prison movement discussed. On this edition, we present a documentary produced by the Freedom Archives.


Frank ‘Big Black’ Smith, Attica Brother and prison activist; L.D. Barkley, Attica Brother killed during the re-taking of the prison; Elizabeth Fink, attorney for the Attica Brothers; Michael Deutsch, attorney for the Attica Brothers; Historical recordings in Attica prison of guards and prisoners during the rebellion and the bloody retaking of the prison.

For more information:

The Freedom Archives – San Francisco, CA

Remembering Big Black
by Bo Brown on The Real Costs of Prisons Weblog

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Author: FoC Media

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