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Unauthorized Disclosure: Blowing the Whistle on Government Crimes

On this edition, we hear from former federal employees who jeopardized their careers to expose official wrongdoing and hear about Daniel Ellsberg’s latest whistleblowing activities.


Documenting Torture: Holding the United States Accountable

On this edition, we trace the seeds of the prison scandal to 9/11 and previous to that time, hear from survivors of torture, human rights advocates, and a soldier, and revisit the official government reaction.


CAFTA: The Cost of Free Trade

On this edition, we’ll take a look at the potential impacts of the new Central American Free Trade Agreement, also known as CAFTA.


Iraq: Portrait of an Occupation

On this edition, we take a look at the impact of the U.S. bombardment in Fallujah, and how that, along with mass incarceration and the Abu Ghraib prison torture incidents, have turned the tide of Iraqi civilian sentiment against the U.S. military occupation.


Spill-Over: Plan Colombia and U.S. Interests in the Andean Region

On this edition, we hear from leaders in Colombian civil society about what they view as Plan Colombia’s broader strategy: regional dominance by U.S. military and economic interests.


El Processo: Hugo Chavez, Venezuela’s Emerging Democracy, and the Bolivarian Revolution

Making Contact’s Rosalyn Fay was in Caracas, Venezuela in summer 2003. There she met with community groups, government officials and those most affected by Chavez’ leadership- the poor- who tell a decidedly different story about their “Bolivarian Revolution.”


A Different Kind of Information War

On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at the information war on Iraq. We’ve dug into our audio vault to bring you this special presentation: An exploration of war propaganda through sound clips and soundscapes.


The Fifty Year Stand-Off: North and South Korea

On this edition of Making Contact, correspondents Ngoc Nguyen and Aaron Glantz take an in-depth look at the legacy of the Korean War and the on-going U.S. military presence.


Oil Slick: Bechtel, Halliburton, and the White House

On this edition of Making Contact, we look at a controversial pipeline deal that now-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld personally negotiated with Saddam Hussein on behalf of the Bechtel Corporation during the Reagan administration. We also examine Halliburton’s $7 billion dollar oil contract in Iraq.


Capital Gains: Gulf War II

On this week’s edition, we’ll take a closer look at how much control Iraqis will have over their land and assets when what the government is calling “Operation Iraqi Freedom” is over.
