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Patagonian Winds of Resistance (encore edition)

On this edition of Making Contact Pauline Bartolone traveled to the small town of Esquel in Southern Argentina, where the residents successfully halted the gold mining venture as part of a larger movement of social transformation in Argentina.


Native Lands: The Struggle for Sovereignty

On this edition, we take a look at the Mapuche people in Argentina, the Shuswap Nation in the British Columbia province of Canada, and the Oglala Sioux in the state of South Dakota in the United States.


From Cradle to Grave: The Impact of Electronics

On this week’s edition we take a closer look at what our gadgets are doing to our environment.


CAFTA: The Cost of Free Trade

On this edition, we’ll take a look at the potential impacts of the new Central American Free Trade Agreement, also known as CAFTA.


Working Democracy: Participatory Movements in Latin America

On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at workers movements in Argentina and Bolivia and investigate how residents of Montreal are using a citizen-based model of democracy from Porto Alegre, Brazil.


Patagonian Winds of Resistance

On this edition of Making Contact Pauline Bartolone traveled to the small town of Esquel in Southern Argentina, where the residents successfully halted the gold mining venture as part of a larger movement of social transformation in Argentina.


Spill-Over: Plan Colombia and U.S. Interests in the Andean Region

On this edition, we hear from leaders in Colombian civil society about what they view as Plan Colombia’s broader strategy: regional dominance by U.S. military and economic interests.


Journey to Justice: Carlos Mauricio’s Story

Carlos Mauricio was one of the few political prisoners who survived the most brutal period of military repression in El Salvador. On this edition, correspondent Jon Watanabe chronicles Carlos’ remarkable journey in search of justice and, ultimately, healing for himself and his country.


El Processo: Hugo Chavez, Venezuela’s Emerging Democracy, and the Bolivarian Revolution

Making Contact’s Rosalyn Fay was in Caracas, Venezuela in summer 2003. There she met with community groups, government officials and those most affected by Chavez’ leadership- the poor- who tell a decidedly different story about their “Bolivarian Revolution.”


Before the Rains: The Struggle for Montes Azules (encore edition)

On this edition of Making Contact, we go to Montes Azules and hear about threats by the Mexican government to forcibly remove dozens of communities from land that indigenous people and campesinos claim is rightly theirs.
