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ElectionWatch ’04: Progressive Strategies

On this edition, we’ll hear from three such activists: Reverend James Forbes, senior minister of the Riverside Church in New York City; political commentator Jim Hightower, and author and activist Arianna Huffington who all spoke at the Take Back America conference held in Washington D.C. in June 2004.


ElectionWatch ’04: War on Terror

On this ElectionWatch ’04 edition, we take a look at how communities most impacted by Bush’s war on terror will vote in the upcoming 2004 elections and see how the Patriot Act and the war in Iraq are playing a role in the election year.


ElectionWatch ’04: Hip Hop and Elections

On this ElectionWatch ’04 edition of Making Contact we take a look at how grassroots activists within the hip hop community view the political process, and how they are using hip hop to organize around the November elections and beyond.


ElectionWatch ’04: Taxonomics: Federal Tax Cuts and the Budget Deficit

On this edition of ElectionWatch ’04, we take a look at how Bush’s tax cuts impact the economy, state budgets, and small businesses.


ElectionWatch ’04 – Home Economics: Women and Voting

On this edition of Making Contact’s ElectionWatch’04- a monthly special from the National Radio Project- we explore the pre-election concerns of a variety of women, including women in labor unions, Latina immigrants and unmarried women as powerful voting blocs.


ElectionWatch ’04 Youth Vote: Mobilizing from the Grassroots

On this edition of Making Contact’s ElectionWatch ’04-a monthly special from the National Radio Project-we conduct a roundtable discussion with young activists and grass-roots organizers about youth voting behavior and efforts to mobilize young people around the 2004 presidential elections.


ElectionWatch ’04 Pushing Medicare: The Health Industry and Public Subsidies for Prescription Drugs

On this edition of Making Contact’s ElectionWatch ’04, a monthly special from the National Radio Project, we take a look at Medicare and prescription drugs.


ElectionWatch ’04 The Texas Two-Step: Bush, Corporate Cash, and Environmental Rollbacks

On this edition of Making Contact – the second of our monthly ElectionWatch ’04 series- we take a look at how the oil, gas, mining and electric utilities industries have influenced the Bush Administration’s environmental policies and the impact on communities located near industrial facilities.


ElectionWatch ’04: Participation and the Common Good

On this edition of Making Contact we take a look at “democracy in action.” We speak with tenants rights activists in the San Francisco area who are fighting for affordable housing.


UnConventional Coverage 2000:

Fresh, innovative coverage of the upcoming Republican and Democratic conventions, “UnConventional Coverage 2000” brings you live in-depth explorations, beyond the “political horserace.” Jobs, housing, access to health care, education, prisons, campaign finance reform, and democracy are among the topics covered from an independent non-partisan perspective.

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