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Documenting Torture: Holding the United States Accountable

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On this edition, we trace the seeds of the prison scandal to 9/11 and previous to that time, hear from survivors of torture, human rights advocates, and a soldier, and revisit the official government reaction.

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Patagonian Winds of Resistance (encore edition)

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On this edition of Making Contact Pauline Bartolone traveled to the small town of Esquel in Southern Argentina, where the residents successfully halted the gold mining venture as part of a larger movement of social transformation in Argentina.

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Courage Under Fire: Resistance to War (encore edition)

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On this edition of Making Contact, we’ll take a look at resistance in Rwanda during the nationwide call for genocide in 1994, Japanese American activism during World War II, and the legacy of draft-registration resistance and conscientious objection since the Vietnam War.

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ElectionWatch ’04 – Systems Failure

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On this edition, we take a look at the disenfranchisement of African Americans in Florida, the debate over electronic voting machines, and Electoral College reform in the state of Colorado.

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Transgender Bender: Moving Beyond the Binary System

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On this edition, we take a look at a couple navigating their relationship through the crossfire of gender identity, follow one woman’s experience of changing her sex, and explore legislation and public education efforts to protect transgender people.

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Native Lands: The Struggle for Sovereignty

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On this edition, we take a look at the Mapuche people in Argentina, the Shuswap Nation in the British Columbia province of Canada, and the Oglala Sioux in the state of South Dakota in the United States.

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Entry Denied: Former Prisoners Re-entering Society

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On this Prison Desk edition of Making Contact, we’ll look at the barriers former prisoners face, and community efforts to support people re-entering society.

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ElectionWatch ’04: All the News That’s Fit to Buy

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On this edition, we’ll take a look at how media companies have failed the public interest by influencing the political process and we’ll hear from media critic and author Robert McChesney, who says the media’s complicity with the government impacts the health of democracy in the United States.

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ElectionWatch ’04: Progressive Strategies

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On this edition, we’ll hear from three such activists: Reverend James Forbes, senior minister of the Riverside Church in New York City; political commentator Jim Hightower, and author and activist Arianna Huffington who all spoke at the Take Back America conference held in Washington D.C. in June 2004.

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Queer Youth Identities

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Queer Youth Identities

On this edition of Making Contact, a collaboration with KPFA’s Full Circle Apprenticeship Program, we’ll examine how queer identity intersects or collides with racial identity in the activist community and take a look at the fluidity of identity, from labels to families.

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From Cradle to Grave: The Impact of Electronics

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On this week’s edition we take a closer look at what our gadgets are doing to our environment.

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CAFTA: The Cost of Free Trade

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On this edition, we’ll take a look at the potential impacts of the new Central American Free Trade Agreement, also known as CAFTA.

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ElectionWatch ’04: War on Terror

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On this ElectionWatch ’04 edition, we take a look at how communities most impacted by Bush’s war on terror will vote in the upcoming 2004 elections and see how the Patriot Act and the war in Iraq are playing a role in the election year.

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Iraq: Portrait of an Occupation

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On this edition, we take a look at the impact of the U.S. bombardment in Fallujah, and how that, along with mass incarceration and the Abu Ghraib prison torture incidents, have turned the tide of Iraqi civilian sentiment against the U.S. military occupation.

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Chemical Soup: Pollutants in the Body (encore edition)

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On this edition, we’ll take a look at these everyday chemicals found in our air, water, dust, and food coming from everyday products like detergents, cookware, and cosmetics, and how they’re being regulated.

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Working Democracy: Participatory Movements in Latin America

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On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at workers movements in Argentina and Bolivia and investigate how residents of Montreal are using a citizen-based model of democracy from Porto Alegre, Brazil.

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ElectionWatch ’04: Hip Hop and Elections

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On this ElectionWatch ’04 edition of Making Contact we take a look at how grassroots activists within the hip hop community view the political process, and how they are using hip hop to organize around the November elections and beyond.

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Refugees of Development: India and Multinationals

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On this edition, we take a close-up look at a small town in Southern India and their struggle against Coca Cola, as well as hear from an Indian journalist and activist Nityanand Jayaraman, who has been following the impact of multi-national corporations in India.

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Deadly Extractions: Oil and Mining Interests in Africa (encore edition)

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On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at some examples of multinational corporate interests and their effects on people in African nations: In Tanzania a Canadian-based corporation is accused of burying alive artisan miners in order to acquire control of a gold mine; and, the drive for oil has sparked political and social upheavals in Sudan and Angola.

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Courage Under Fire: Resistance to War

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On this edition of Making Contact, we’ll take a look at resistance in Rwanda during the nationwide call for genocide in 1994, Japanese American activism during World War II, and the legacy of draft-registration resistance and conscientious objection since the Vietnam War.

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