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ElectionWatch ’04: All the News That’s Fit to Buy


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What we learn through the news media shapes how we choose our elected officials. In a democracy, we expect the media to serve the public interest. On this edition, we’ll take a look at how media companies have failed the public interest by influencing the political process. We’ll also hear from media critic and author Robert McChesney, who says the media’s complicity with the government impacts the health of democracy in the United States.


Celia Wexler, vice president for advocacy, Common Cause; Jeffrey Chester, executive director, Center for Digital Democracy; Mark Cooper, director of research, Consumer Federation of America; Jonathan Adelstein, commissioner, Federal Communications Commission; Ben Bagdikian, author; Timothy Karr, executive director, MediaChannel, Robert McChesney, professor of communications, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Robert McChesney is a supporter of National Radio Project.

For more information:

Common Cause – Washington, DC

Center for Digital Democracy – Washington, DC

Consumer Federation of America – Washington, DC

Jonathan Adelstein – Washington, DC

Graduate School of Journalism – Berkeley, CA

MediaChannel – New York, NY

Robert McChesney – Urbana, IL

Author: FoC Media

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