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Make Levees, Not War

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Make Levees, Not War

This week on Making Contact we’ll take you to the streets of Washington, DC where more than a quarter million people gathered to protest the American occupation of Iraq and the militarization of U.S. society.

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What’s Up with the Weather? The Politics of Climate Change (encore edition)

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What’s Up with the Weather? The Politics of Climate Change (encore edition)

On this edition, we’ll hear about whom climate is affecting, industry and government cover-ups, and those calling for action before it’s too late.

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Women Rising V: International Changemakers – Grassroots Activists

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Women Rising V: International Changemakers – Grassroots Activists

In this program we profile three courageous change makers: Shereen Essof is an advocate for democracy and land rights for women in Zimbabwe. Sahar Saba is a leader in RAWA, the underground resistance organization struggling for women’s rights and democracy in Afghanistan, and Wendy Pekeur represents farmworkers in South Africa.

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Katrina Uncovers: Activism, Racism and Environmental Justice

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Katrina Uncovers: Activism, Racism and Environmental Justice

On this second part of a special series, we’ll talk about grass roots organizations mobilizing to do the work the U.S. government cannot or will not do. And we’ll take a look at the issue of environmental justice – how much does race and poverty play a role in where Americans live?

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War|Games (encore edition)

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War|Games (encore edition)

On this edition, we look at video games, movies, and war, and how the lines between each aren’t always so clear.

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Katrina Uncovers: Environment, Health and Rescue

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Katrina Uncovers: Environment, Health and Rescue

In this first part of a special series, hear the powerful stories from those who survived and find out how you can help with the relief efforts in your local communities and beyond.

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Chile’s 9/11

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Chile’s 9/11

As US citizens observe the 4th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks, few realize the dark significance of that day in Chilean history. On this edition, a group of Chilean Exiles in the US reflect on the coup, and how music transformed their experience of terror into artistic expression.

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Daze of Labor, Days of Change

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Daze of Labor, Days of Change

On this edition of Making Contact, we focus on the root of the American holiday, Labor Day: the contemporary condition of American labor.

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On the Ground in Iran

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On the Ground in Iran

In this first hand report, we hear from high-ranking officials and ordinary Iranians about U.S. threats, and about what the election of a new president will mean for the people of Iran.

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Enduring Choice

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Enduring Choice

On this edition we hear about the common thread that connects women from all walks of life. From prison cells, to the barrios in Fresno, California, women of color are organizing around the broad theme of reproductive justice.

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Water Woes

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Water Woes

On this edition, we’ll hear about the problem of water domestically and abroad, and the community organizers who are creating solutions. People in cities ranging from Manilla in the Philippines to Felton, California are thirsting for change.

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The Past, Present and Future of Nuclear Weapons

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The Past, Present and Future of Nuclear Weapons

On this edition, we look at the past, present and possible future of nuclear weapons, from the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, to the War on Terror.

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The Juvenile Injustice System

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The Juvenile Injustice System

On this edition, we’ll hear about the scandal-ridden California Youth Authority, abuses inside one of Brazil’s juvenile detention centers, as well as alternative approaches to helping troubled kids.

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What’s Up with the Weather? The Politics of Climate Change

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What’s Up with the Weather? The Politics of Climate Change

On this edition, we’ll hear about whom climate is affecting, industry and government cover-ups, and those calling for action before it’s too late.

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Many Minds in an Army of One (encore edition)

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Many Minds in an Army of One (encore edition)

On this special report, prepared by Associate Producer Justin Beck, we take a look at some of the different ways the war has affected soldiers and their families, both personally — and politically.

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On this edition, we look at video games, movies, and war, and how the lines between each aren’t always so clear.

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Refusing to Fight

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Refusing to Fight

With the U.S. occupation of Iraq in the middle of its third year, a small but growing number of Iraq war veterans are refusing to continue their military service.

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Women Rising IV: International Changemakers – Women as Religious Activists

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Women Rising IV: International Changemakers – Women as Religious Activists

Women are gaining influence as leaders throughout the world, fighting for peace, justice, the environment and civil society. In this program we profile three courageous women struggling with religious issues.

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Big Box Nation

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Big Box Nation

On this edition, we take you inside the walls of the infamous big box retailer to hear how the company is responding to withering criticism from activists, what Wal-Mart’s financial success means for workers and small business owners, and a flap over a pro-Wal-Mart advertisement that compared a city zoning ordinance to book burning in Nazi Germany.

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Globalizing Media Reform

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Globalizing Media Reform

On this edition, we’ll hear from activists and journalists speaking at this year’s National Conference on Media Reform in St. Louis, Missouri.

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