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Water Woes


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Ten-year-old Nadifa Isadurgi drinks clean water pumped from a source within Touloum camp in the Darfur region of Sudan. Source: Olav Saltbones courtesy Norwegian Red Cross/IFRC.

Ten-year-old Nadifa Isadurgi drinks clean water pumped from a source within Touloum camp in the Darfur region of Sudan. Source: Olav Saltbones courtesy Norwegian Red Cross/IFRC.

Access to clean water is a matter of life and death for poor people across the globe. And that’s the reality over one billion face today.

On this edition, we’ll hear about the problem of water domestically and abroad, and the community organizers who are creating solutions. People in cities ranging from Manilla in the Philippines to Felton, California are thirsting for change.


Frederick Farolan, Water Vigilance Network; Barbara Spinger and Guadalupe Nunez, community activists; Paula Ramos, Environmental Justice Coalition for Water.

This week’s host: Pauline Bartolone.

For more information:

Friends of Locally Owned Water – Felton, CA

Water Justice

Environmental Justice Coalition for Water – Oakland CA

Other helpful links:

Article: “A Short Update on the Failed Water Privatization in the Philippines”
Manilla IndyMedia
Authors: Joy Chavez, Focus on the Global South (Philippine Office) and Nepomuceno Malaluan, Action for Economic Reforms, April 2005

Public Citizen: Water for All Campaign – Washington, DC

Sierra Club: Corporate Water Privitization – San Francisco, CA

Author: FoC Media

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