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Daze of Justice

Daze of Justice

  Via our adaptation of Michael Siv’s documentary, we hear the intimate story of trailblazing Cambodian-American women who break decades of silence, abandoning the security of their American homes on a journey back into Cambodia’s killing fields, only this time not as victims but as witnesses determined to resurrect the memory of their loved ones before the UN Special Tribunal prosecuting the Khmer Rouge. Only Daze of...

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The Seekers, Pt. 1: Freedom from Violence

The Seekers, Pt. 1: Freedom from Violence

The Seekers, is the first in a two-part documentary series that examines the experiences of Central American migrants seeking asylum in the US. El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala are among the most dangerous countries in the world for women. Each year, thousands of women flee from these Northern Triangle Countries to escape the brutality that stem from drugs and gangs. Now, many Central American migrants are being returned to their...

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Guardians of the Amazon Rainforest – Women Rising Radio #35

Guardians of the Amazon Rainforest – Women Rising Radio #35

Currently the indigenous peoples of the Amazon rainforest are in a struggle with worldwide multinational corporations that want to take over their lands for oil extraction, commercial palm oil, commercial agriculture, mining, and other massively destructive enterprises. Women leaders have taken center stage in the indigenous activism to guard the Amazon rainforest from those who would use it for profit. These women have faced down...

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Call for Pitches!

  Do you have a story with perspectives on an ongoing local, national, or global issue? Do you have access to voices and perspectives that get lost in mainstream media landscape? How are people working to cope, and change things? If so, consider pitching to Making Contact!  We’re looking for pitches from freelancers on several themes. See list below.   Seeking Pitches Immigration: We want your pitches!...

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Donate Today!

Donate Today!

Click here OR return your envelope plz! The envelopes are going out! Making Contact staff and volunteers working hard on snail mail fundraising. #MakingContact6400 Thanks to listeners like you Making Contact has been able to produce 52 weekly shows in 2017: That’s 1500 minutes of programming, broadcasting on 140+ radio stations around the world, working with 28 US & international freelance reporters during 22 years of community...

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Women Rising Radio: Rescuing The Isolated and Displaced, Women of Doctors Without Borders

Women Rising Radio: Rescuing The Isolated and Displaced, Women of Doctors Without Borders

Most of the world simply has no health care. There are vast tracts of land and populations of people who don’t have doctors or must make great efforts to reach medical care.  In addition, masses of displaced people and refugees – over 100,000,000 at last count – need to be rescued from their desperate situations.  Doctors Without Borders, Medecins Sans Frontieres in French (MSF) is on the ground providing quality...

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Beyond Choice: Organizing for Reproductive Justice

Beyond Choice: Organizing for Reproductive Justice

At the end of March, Congress passed a bill allowing states to deny funding to family planning groups that offer abortion services – groups like Planned Parenthood. Now, Pennsylvania and Michigan have introduced legislation to join over a dozen states in doing just that. As we fight off right wing attacks on abortion rights, Loretta Ross asks us to consider what it would take to have real choices about our bodies. On this...

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Not Throw Away Women: Black and Indigenous Women Disrupt Violence ENCORE

Not Throw Away Women: Black and Indigenous Women Disrupt Violence ENCORE

In the United States April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). The goal of SAAM is to raise public awareness about sexual violence and to educate communities on how to prevent it. On today’s show we’re exploring how some women have been dehumanized to the point of indifference. We’ll learn how one community is undoing the silence around the violence women of color face. We’ll also hear about how serial killers were able to hunt...

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Donate Today!

Donate Today!

Click here OR return your envelope plz! Making Contact staff and volunteers working hard on snail mail fundraising. #MakingContact6000 Thanks to listeners like you Making Contact has been able to produce 52 weekly shows in 2017: That’s 1500 minutes of programming, broadcasting on 120+ radio stations around the world, working with 30 US & international freelance reporters during 21 years of community and public radio! In honor of...

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COINTELPRO 101 (Part 2)

COINTELPRO 101 (Part 2)

This week, we broadcast the second half of the documentary film “COINTELPRO 101,” about the secret FBI program which ran from 1956-1971, and disrupted many movements for self-determination by people of color in the U.S.. Today, we hear the second half of the film, produced by the Freedom Archives.

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