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Call for Pitches!

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Do you have a story with perspectives on an ongoing local, national, or global issue? Do you have access to voices and perspectives that get lost in mainstream media landscape? How are people working to cope, and change things?

If so, consider pitching to Making Contact!  We’re looking for pitches from freelancers on several themes. See list below.  

Seeking Pitches

Immigration: We want your pitches! We’re looking for character-driven stories that focus on how immigrant communities are organizing.

Here are some themes we’re interested in exploring:

  • The Muslim Ban is in effect, Southeast Asians have been swept up in large numbers to private prisons, how are communities responding?
  • How are communities organizing outside of the electoral process to influence politics locally and/or nationally?
  • How are groups working against far right politics?

Got an idea, let us know!

Climate Change: “Climate Resilience” and “Just Transition” are terms used by environmental justice advocates and academics to mean various things. We want sound-rich stories that explore these terms in practice. How are communities working not just to survive but thrive? How are low-income communities of color, expected to be hit hardest by climate change developing ways now to cope “later?” What are the unequal impacts of climate change on women?

International Stories and communities…

We’re looking for stories that break out of the gloom and doom and make policy discussions accessible, or give a glimpse of people coming together to take steps now. Pitch us stories about various bottom-up and grassroots organizing methods and tactics against privatization, land grabs, U.S. military presence, economic experiments, etc.

In addition to the above, we’re always interested in pitches on any of our ongoing beats: prisons, poverty, reproductive health, racial justice, climate change and environmental justice.


Making Contact is an award-winning, 29-minute weekly magazine/documentary-style public affairs program heard on 120 radio stations in the USA, Canada, South Africa, and Australia.  Amplifying voices and perspectives rarely heard in mainstream media, Making Contact focuses on the human realities of politics and the connections between local and global events with an emphasis on creative ways to solve problems.  We’re interested in pitches for sound-rich segments of approx. 7 minutes.  

As with any pitches you send us, please check out our show and read our guidelines before you pitch. Consider the following. Does the story: Link grassroots issues and human realities to national or international trends? Give listeners a historical, political, or social context of major national and international events? Shed light on social and economic inequities? Explore any alternatives or solutions?

Current rates!

Level 1. $800 plus travel reimbursement up to $100

“Involve research and original reporting • Require the reporter to have substantial subject matter expertise • Involve time-consuming reporting • Have a sophisticated narrative • Require travel by the reporter • Have sound that does not involve phone tape • Be rich in a variety of sounds demonstrative or supportive of the story.”

Level 2. $500 plus travel reimbursement up to $100

“Involve multiple interviews • Involve interviews conducted where the interviewee is carrying on activities relevant to the story • Involve sound, scenes, and advanced radio storytelling techniques • Involve reporter having good prior knowledge of subject matter”

BTW:  Full 26 min Documentary  $1000 for veteran producers to do a full documentary edition. An exclusive is not necessary but air dates need to be discussed.  

Send pitches to Please be detailed but succinct, and include a description of your idea, narrative/story arc, interview subjects, scenes, and sounds/ambi.  If you’re pitching to us for the first time, please include a brief bio and relevant audio clips. We look forward to hearing from you!  

— RJ Lozada, Marie Choi, Anita Johnson, Monica Lopez

Author: FoC Media

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