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Human Rights and the African American Experience (encore edition)

On this edition we’ll hear about a deep discrepancy at the heart of America’s struggle for civil rights and human rights.


Are We Fighting Bush’s War on Sin?

Author and professor Ira Chernus, examines the connections between conservative religious doctrine, “moral values,” and the Bush Administration’s national security policies.


David Korten and the Great Turning

David Korten new book, “The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community” examines how current economic models are producing devastating consequences for people and planet. In this edition, Korten speaks about being on the cusp of a major shift from a world dominated by economic values to one that embraces human values.


Katrina Uncovers: Black Land and Labor

Many of Katrina’s refugees assert the “right to return” as part of the deep historical relationship African- Americans have to land in the south. On this edition, we’ll hear from three community organizers.


Daniel Ellsberg – Truth-telling in a Time of War

On this edition, we hear from Ellsberg delivering a speech to anti-war activists at the Crawford Peace House in Texas. He reflects on civil disobedience advocating for people to blow the whistle and go to jail in order to save lives.


The History of Class Struggle in the U.S.

On this edition we take a look at the history of class struggle where we hear from two contemporary writers: Phil Gasper, editor of a new version of the Communist Manifesto, and Sharon Smith, author of a new book on working class radicalism in the U.S.


Human Rights and the African American Experience

On this edition we’ll hear about one of the true ironies of the American civil rights movement is that while the U.S. was trying to lead the way in developing a framework for international human rights, it was leaving its own citizens behind, refusing to acknowledge the systematic social abandonment of African Americans.


World Social Forum ’05: Fostering Dignity in Africa

On this edition, we’ll hear from African women leaders who say the dignity of peoples in the developing world is depleting. During the January 2005 World Social Forum, they proposed alternatives to the root causes of suffering.


Seeing Red: Marshalling Cultural Anger in Middle America

On this edition, we’ll hear from Thomas Frank, author of “What’s the Matter with Kansas: How Conservatives Won the Political Heart of America.”


The Intimate Ecology of Motherhood

On this Women’s Desk edition of Making Contact, we’ll hear Steingraber’s speech at the Women’s Environmental Health and Justice Bay Area Summit in San Francisco in October of 2003.
