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No Place to Live

On this edition, we’ll hear from people in California who are fighting to keep not just their homes, but to preserve the unique culture of the communities they are a part of.


Still Talking About Sex

On this edition, we’ll hear from the former attorney general, Joycelyn Elders, who to this day remains a fierce advocate for health related policies.


Reproductive Justice: Voices from SisterSong (encore edition)

On this edition from our Women’s Desk, we hear from three women advocating for comprehensive reproductive health, that include the issues of sex education, HIV and AIDS prevention, housing, educational opportunities, queer-conscious-healthcare, the economic resources to support a child, the right to live free of violence, as well as an analysis of reproductive technologies.


On New Ground: Liberating Gender & Sexuality

How do we challenge and overcome gender and sexual oppression? Three speakers at the Atlanta U.S. Social Forum have some answers.


Queer Youth Identities (encore edition)

On this edition of Making Contact, in a collaboration with KPFA’s Full Circle Apprenticeship Program, we’ll examine how queer identity intersects or collides with racial identity in the activist community.


Lockdown on Life: Stories from Women Behind Bars

On this edition, we take you to two U.S. prisons ­ behind the bars and into the lives of incarcerated women.


A Public Eye on the Christian Right

The evangelical right gets a lot of airtime on cable, radio, and television, but what’s really being said behind the scenes? This week, Abby Scher takes us to the “Values Voter Summit” in Washington, DC, where leaders of the Christian right gathered to talk about gay marriage, abortion, and terrorism.


LGBTQ:On the Streets, In the Schools, Outside the System (encore edition)

Thousands of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer (LGBTQ) youth are forced out on to the streets, and face harassment, homophobia and even violence. We’ll hear from the LGBTQ community, on the streets, in the schools and outside the system.


LGBTQ: On the Streets, In the Schools, Outside the System

On this edition, we’ll hear from the LGBTQ community, on the streets, in the schools and outside the system.


Queer Youth Challenges (encore edition)

On this edition, we’ll take a look at the unique perspective of LGBTQ youth on such topics as foster care, childhood sexual abuse, and disability.
