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Big Box Nation

On this edition, we take you inside the walls of the infamous big box retailer to hear how the company is responding to withering criticism from activists, what Wal-Mart’s financial success means for workers and small business owners, and a flap over a pro-Wal-Mart advertisement that compared a city zoning ordinance to book burning in Nazi Germany.


Fake News Flap – VNRs and Covert Propaganda

On this week’s edition, we’ll take a look at video news releases and the VNR industry.


Land for Those Who Work It

On this edition Associate Producer Pauline Bartolone guides us through the daily lives of those seeking agrarian reform in southern Brazil.


From Cradle to Grave: The Impact of Electronics (encore edition)

On this week’s edition we take a closer look at what our gadgets are doing to our environment.


Election Watch ’04: Working Hard for Change

On this edition, we explore the economic anxieties driving voters – such as access to health insurance, affordable childcare, and livable wages.


Working Democracy: Participatory Movements in Latin America

On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at workers movements in Argentina and Bolivia and investigate how residents of Montreal are using a citizen-based model of democracy from Porto Alegre, Brazil.


Striking Back: Organized Labor and Solidarity

On this special edition from the Labor Desk of the National Radio Project, we take a look at successful efforts by hospital workers in Bronxville, New York, meatpackers in Omaha, Nebraska, and dockworkers in Charleston, South Carolina.


Bottled Rights: Coca-Cola Workers

On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at Coca-Cola and a couple examples of the corporation’s foreign operations.


Warnings from the Coal Fields (encore edition)

On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at the impacts of a common practice in the coal industry known as “mountain top removal.” We also hear about alleged collusion between an Alabama-based coal company and paramilitaries in Colombia against union organizers.


Job Security: Labor Rights and the U.S. War on Terrorism

On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at national security and labor rights.
