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Election Watch ’04: Working Hard for Change


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As the November 2004 election approaches, presidential candidates are staking out their positions on issues facing working people and their families. On this edition, we explore the economic anxieties driving voters – such as access to health insurance, affordable childcare, and livable wages.


Amy Nickum, part-time Banana Republic employee; Jessica Rothhaar, northern California organizer, Health Access; Sara Lee, vice-president of media relations, California Chamber of Commerce; Martin Martinez, policy director, California Pan-Ethnic Health Network; Martha Hollis, working single mother of two children; Larry Drury, executive director, Go Kids, Inc.; Saskia Traill, senior childcare specialist, National Economic Development and Law Center; Sita Moon, enrollment coordinator, Community Bridges; Matthew Hardy, organizer, United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 1179; Ralph Nader, independent presidential candidate; Doug Bandow, senior fellow, Cato Institute; Amy Chasinoff, deputy director of policy, Economic Policy Institute; Natasha Humphries, former quality assurance engineer at Palm, Inc. and tech worker activist; Anthony Marek, communications director, Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group; Dean Baker, economist, Center for Economic and Policy Research.

For more information:

Health Access – Oakland, CA

California Chamber of Commerce – Sacramento, CA

California Pan-Ethnic Health Network – Oakland, CA

Go Kids, Inc. – Gilroy, CA

National Economic Development and Law Center – Oakland, CA

Community Bridges – Santa Cruz, CA

Center for Economic and Policy Research – Washington, DC

Economic Policy Institute – Washington, DC

Cato Institute – Washington, DC

UFCW 1179 – Martinez, CA

Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group – San Jose, CA

Author: FoC Media

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