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Settlers or Meddlers? A Divided Palestine

Jewish settlers are forcibly expanding their lands. After initially calling for a freeze, the Obama Administration changed course, dimming the prospects for peace. Producer Reese Erlich takes us from the settlements of Hebron to the streets of Ramallah.


The Will to Resist: Dahr Jamail on U.S. Soldiers and Iraq

We interview journalist Dahr Jamail about the on-going wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the growing refusal to serve among members of the US military. He talked about his new book: “The Will to Resist: Soldiers Who Refuse to Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan”.


American Peace Activists on the Streets of Kabul

Almost everyone in the U.S., in one way or another, does business with the banks. But the business of borrowing isn’t always fair. We talk to lenders who do things differently and those who stave off financial scams.


Gay Rights in India: The Struggle Continues

An archaic law making homosexuality illegal in India has finally been overturned. On this edition, we go to India, to hear about the gay community’s struggle for legal rights, and the prospects for cultural acceptance.


What Kind of Liberation? Women and Iraq

Author and activist Nadje Al-Ali talks about the reality of women’s lives in Iraq.


Palestine: Perspectives on the Occupation

We hear from several Palestinians about how they’ve personally been affected. And we get the Israeli government’s perspective on the current situation as we begin 2009.


A Journey To Darfur: Rethinking Intervention

On this edition, we’ll hear what it’s like to embed with rebels in Darfur and hear new perspectives on intervening in the crisis.


Stuffed and Starved

Raj Patel, ‘Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System’ author, who used to work for the World Bank, the WTO, and the United Nations, has become a harsh critic of the way those organizations set policies that he says lead to increasing hunger and food insecurity around the world.


Tariq Ali and David Barsamian in Conversation about Pakistan

British-Pakistani author, Tariq Ali, talks about Pakistan’s history, recent news events, and about what the future holds for the country.


Blood, Freedom and Oil: 5 Years in Iraq

This week, we hear from people on many sides of the conflict of the war in Iraq; military, civilian, and academic.
