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Iraq and the Changing Peace Movement

On this edition, we take a look at where the anti-war movement is heading.


Rethinking AIDS Treatment: The Brazilian Model (encore edition)

Independent producer Reese Erlich reports from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil about grassroots groups who have successfully educated sex workers and many others on the dangers of AIDS.


Got Rights? Global Women’s Voices for Health and Humanity

From the rise of religious fundamentalism and the implementation of the “global gag rule” to neo-liberal economics and environmental justice, the common thread running through the 10th annual International Women and Health Meeting was improved human rights for women.


The New Green Revolution

On this edition, we take a look at the challenges rural people face, and the growing international movement to gain land rights.


Chile’s 9/11

As US citizens observe the 4th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks, few realize the dark significance of that day in Chilean history. On this edition, a group of Chilean Exiles in the US reflect on the coup, and how music transformed their experience of terror into artistic expression.


On the Ground in Iran

In this first hand report, we hear from high-ranking officials and ordinary Iranians about U.S. threats, and about what the election of a new president will mean for the people of Iran.


Water Woes

On this edition, we’ll hear about the problem of water domestically and abroad, and the community organizers who are creating solutions. People in cities ranging from Manilla in the Philippines to Felton, California are thirsting for change.


Women Rising IV: International Changemakers – Women as Religious Activists

Women are gaining influence as leaders throughout the world, fighting for peace, justice, the environment and civil society. In this program we profile three courageous women struggling with religious issues.


Plan Colombia: Drug War Without End

Independent producer Reese Erlich visits rural farmers and urban shanty towns in Colombia, and talks with high ranking Colombian politicians to learn about Plan Colombia, an effort to reduce cocaine production.


Kurds: From Oppressed to Oppressors

On this edition, correspondent Aaron Glantz takes an in depth look at the six million Kurds in Iraq, their years of suffering under Saddam Hussein’s regime, and their drive towards an independent country in the future.
