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Musicians, Migrants and All That Jazz

On this edition, correspondent Reese Erlich talks with musicians to learn how the historic New Orleans music scene endures and how new influences are bringing hope to the struggling city.


“Gulf Coast Reconstruction in the Post-Katrina Era,” U.S. Social Forum Atlanta

On this edition, we will hear from four people speaking at the U.S. Social Forum. They are working to rebuild and strengthen their damaged communities.


New Orleans Now: Rebuilding and Defending the Versailles Vietnamese Community

On this edition, correspondent Ngoc Nguyen takes us to Versailles. As the community struggles to rebuild, they face yet another threat to their homes, history and way of life.


Catch of the Day: Mercury

On this edition, we go to the San Francisco Bay, joined by a public health analyst, we’ll talk to local fisherman, new moms, restaurant-goers and the E.P.A. about mercury.


Women Rising XI: International Council of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers

In this program, we visit with three eloquent members of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, a global alliance of elder women healers who represent more than 900 years of collective wisdom and traditions.


Women Rising IX: International Changemakers – Honoring Elder Women Activists

Women are gaining influence as leaders throughout the world fighting for peace, justice, the environment and civil society. In this program we profile three courageous women elders honoring their lives of dedication to far reaching social movements.


David Korten and the Great Turning

David Korten new book, “The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community” examines how current economic models are producing devastating consequences for people and planet. In this edition, Korten speaks about being on the cusp of a major shift from a world dominated by economic values to one that embraces human values.


Waves of Change, Rivers of Doubt: Global Water Issues and Solutions

In this edition, we look at some core water issues affecting people around the world, including privatization, access to clean water, desalination technology, bottled water debates, and non-point source pollution.


Nuclear Ambitions and Double Standards

On this edition, we’ll look at the recent nuclear power deal between the United States and India, which critics say could spark a nuclear arms race in South Asia.


Katrina Uncovers: Exploited Workers and Endangered Wetlands

On this edition, we hear from migrant workers helping to clean up and rebuild New Orleans, and about their struggle for better wages and working conditions.
