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Oil and Outrage Flare: An Audio Journey Through the Niger Delta (encore edition)

On this program, we hear from people who are taking risks, and demanding control over resources in their communities.


Unwrapping Plastic: A Look at Food and Beverage Containers

On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at the production, use, and disposal of plastic food and beverage containers.


Growing Doubts: Corporate Control of Agriculture

On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at the plight of family farmers.


Warnings from the Coal Fields

On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at the impacts of a common practice in the coal industry known as “mountain top removal.”


Tapping the Market: Privatizing the World’s Water Supply

On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at water privatization in South Africa, Ghana, Bolivia, and the United States.


The Soul of Corn: Transgenics and the Cradle of Maize

On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at the controversy over GMO contamination of corn crops in Mexico, a fundamental issue as the public considers the consequences of genetically engineered crops.


Trashed: Waste Management and Environmental Impact

On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look behind the scenes of common practices in the garbage industry. We also sift through some positive developments in Canada where municipalities are reducing the amount of landfill disposals by heading closer and closer toward zero-waste.


Preserving Songs: Oral Histories and Land Protection (encore edition)

On this program, we take a look at indigenous oral histories and land preservation.


Collateral Damage? The Toxic Legacy of War

On this program we take a look at the toxic legacy of war and some impacts of war on the environment and human health.


Going Hungry in a World of Plenty

On this program, we take a look at the role multinational corporations play in perpetuating the cycle of hunger. We also hear how so-called free trade and food aid contributes to starvation.
