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Katrina Uncovers: Environment, Health and Rescue

In this first part of a special series, hear the powerful stories from those who survived and find out how you can help with the relief efforts in your local communities and beyond.


Enduring Choice

On this edition we hear about the common thread that connects women from all walks of life. From prison cells, to the barrios in Fresno, California, women of color are organizing around the broad theme of reproductive justice.


Water Woes

On this edition, we’ll hear about the problem of water domestically and abroad, and the community organizers who are creating solutions. People in cities ranging from Manilla in the Philippines to Felton, California are thirsting for change.


The Past, Present and Future of Nuclear Weapons

On this edition, we look at the past, present and possible future of nuclear weapons, from the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, to the War on Terror.


What’s Up with the Weather? The Politics of Climate Change

On this edition, we’ll hear about whom climate is affecting, industry and government cover-ups, and those calling for action before it’s too late.


Women Rising IV: International Changemakers – Women as Religious Activists

Women are gaining influence as leaders throughout the world, fighting for peace, justice, the environment and civil society. In this program we profile three courageous women struggling with religious issues.



On this edition, producer Barbara Bernstein takes us on a journey into the land of salmon. Why are they so significant and what will it take to keep them from disappearing?


Who Owns Our Water? Profits vs. Public Interest

On this edition, we’ll take a look at water as a basic human right. We’ll hear about a plan to privatize water services in Lagos, Nigeria, and we’ll hear about how activists in Maui, Hawaii are working to recover the island’s water sources for public use.


From Cradle to Grave: The Impact of Electronics (encore edition)

On this week’s edition we take a closer look at what our gadgets are doing to our environment.


The Chemical Industry’s Toxic Toll

On this edition, we’ll look at the 20th anniversary of one of the world’s worst chemical disasters, at the Union Carbide factory in Bhopal, India, where we’ll hear about Occidental Petroleum’s toxic legacy at Love Canal and examine how corporate polluters are ignoring environmental causes of breast cancer.
