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How We Survive: Resisting Foreclosures

A look into how communities and everyday people around the U.S. are resisting foreclosure of their homes. We take a stab at the question: are rescue programs actually working?


The Greening of America: A New Deal for Everyone?

President Obama wants a New Deal–– only this one is green. Obama plans to create more than two-and-half million “green” jobs over the next two years. But will these jobs be as plentiful and equitable as the new administration will have us believe?


A Chronology of Capitalism

For the first time in recent memory, mainstream media and everyday Americans are considering the value of other economic models. We hear from 3 people who’ve been sounding the alarm about capitalism’s house of cards for years.


Green Jobs, Race and Economic “Recovery”

The Obama Administration is spending billions to create so-called green jobs. But what are these jobs and who will get them? We hear from community advocates who are working to make sure the green jobs money benefits those who need it the most.


Tax Me, I’m Yours

It’s tax time. Yet even in these hard economic times, many folks are calling for more taxes. On this edition, we hear from people who say we need to reframe the tax structure to support “the commons” and fund socialprograms.


How We Survive: The Deepening Homeless Crisis

We visit with a family who lost their home and now lives inside their cramped trailer in a city parking lot. And, how two different communities are dealing with the economic crisis by taking matters into their own hands.


Live From Main Street: Miami’s Economic Crisis and Sustainable Future

Live from Main Street takes us to the streets of Miami, Florida for a town hall discussion of how local communities and grassroots groups are facing the economic and housing crunch while working to build a stronger sustainable city.


Stuffed and Starved

Raj Patel, ‘Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System’ author, who used to work for the World Bank, the WTO, and the United Nations, has become a harsh critic of the way those organizations set policies that he says lead to increasing hunger and food insecurity around the world.


Cracks in the Edifice

Participants at Left Forum identified the ongoing war in Iraq… the impending economic recession… and the devastating results of free trade policies worldwide as issues as more than just failings of the current administration, but instead, as cracks in what they call “the edifice” of u.s. empire.


Who Would Jesus Tax? (encore edition)

We talk with a single mom and a tax fairness advocate to debunk some myths about how wealth is created and what people can do to change tax policy and at how an under-reported union between political conservatives and the Christian right preserves the gap between the haves and have-nots.
