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Tax Me, I’m Yours


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Organizers of an effort to collect signatures of upper-income New Yorkers asking the Governor to raise their taxes.  Source: Mike Lapham, Responsible Wealth

Organizers of an effort to collect signatures of upper-income New Yorkers asking the Governor to raise their taxes. Source: Mike Lapham, Responsible Wealth

Tax time. It’s a blessing or a curse. Maybe you’re celebrating the extra cash or maybe you’re reeling from the hit to your bank account. Either way, taxes are something we all have to deal with, whether we like it or not. They’re the life’s blood of public projects and much needed social programs. And now, in these hard economic times, more attention is being paid to where our taxes are going, who’s paying their fair share and who’s not.

On this edition, we’ll talk to folks who say we need to reframe the tax structure to support and sustain “the commons”… those public spaces and common grounds we all share. From upper income New Yorkers to public school teachers in Nevada, many are saying, ‘tax me, I’m yours.’


Jo Comerford, National Priorities Project (NPP) executive director; Mike Lapham, Responsible Wealth project director (Project of United for a Fair Economy); Allen Bromberger, Manhattan law firm attorney; Bob Fulkerson, Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada (PLAN) executive director; Anne Peer, Grady Tarbutton and others who testified at a Reno Town Hall Budget meeting; Kim Klein, Building Movement Project member.

For more information:

Building Movement Project

Klein and Roth Consulting

National Priorities Project

New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness

Progressive Leadership Alliance in Nevada (PLAN)

United for a Fair Economy (UFE)

For Additional Informational:

Citizens for Tax Justice

Nevada State Legislature

On The Commons

Progressive Policy Institute

State Fiscal Analysis Initiative

Author: FoC Media

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