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Daniel Ellsberg – Truth-telling in a Time of War

On this edition, we hear from Ellsberg delivering a speech to anti-war activists at the Crawford Peace House in Texas. He reflects on civil disobedience advocating for people to blow the whistle and go to jail in order to save lives.


Nepal’s Call for Democracy

The demonstrations forced the King to restore parliament, but on this edition, as Reese Erlich reports from Kathmandu, the democracy movement demands that the King give up power altogether. In a second segment, Erlich talks with tourists who, despite the turmoil in Nepal, are still trekking around.


Got Rights? Global Women’s Voices for Health and Humanity

From the rise of religious fundamentalism and the implementation of the “global gag rule” to neo-liberal economics and environmental justice, the common thread running through the 10th annual International Women and Health Meeting was improved human rights for women.


Human Rights and the African American Experience

On this edition we’ll hear about one of the true ironies of the American civil rights movement is that while the U.S. was trying to lead the way in developing a framework for international human rights, it was leaving its own citizens behind, refusing to acknowledge the systematic social abandonment of African Americans.


Stand Up, Speak Out: Honoring Human Rights

Three prominent speakers: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson; Children Defense Fund President, Marian Wright Edelman, talk about the meaning of human rights.


Enduring Choice

On this edition we hear about the common thread that connects women from all walks of life. From prison cells, to the barrios in Fresno, California, women of color are organizing around the broad theme of reproductive justice.


Moving Beyond the Binary System

On this edition, we take a look at a couple navigating their relationship through the crossfire of gender identity, follow one woman’s experience of changing her sex, and explore legislation and public education efforts to protect transgender people.


Unreasonable Women in Unreasonable Times

On this edition, we’ll hear stories of four women struggling for a cleaner environment and more peaceful society.


Regulating Love

On this edition, we take a look at how government is trying to increase marriage regulation: preventing same sex marriages on the one hand, and on the other, promoting marriage as an economic solution for low-income women.


Reaching for Peace in the Holy Land

On this week’s edition of Making Contact, Israeli women defend Palestinian human rights at military checkpoints near Jerusalem.
