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Growing Doubts: Corporate Control of Agriculture

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On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at the plight of family farmers.

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Leading the Way: Post 9/11 Student Activism

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On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at an emerging anti-war movement and some of the challenges students face in this post 9/11 era. This program is the second in a two-part series that was produced in collaboration with Foreign Policy in Focus, a co-sponsor of the First Monday Project 2002.

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Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Terrorists

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On this edition of Making Contact we take a look at this and other questions, as we examine civil liberties in this post-9/11 era. This program is the first in a two-part series that was produced in collaboration with Foreign Policy in Focus, a co-sponsor of the First Monday Project 2002.

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Warnings from the Coal Fields

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On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at the impacts of a common practice in the coal industry known as “mountain top removal.”

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Tapping the Market: Privatizing the World’s Water Supply

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On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at water privatization in South Africa, Ghana, Bolivia, and the United States.

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Ripple Effects: Consequences of the U.S. War on Terrorism

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There have been many intended and unintended consequences of what the U.S. government calls the War on Terrorism.

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In the U.S. Cross Hairs: Iraq and the Threat of War

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On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at U.S. policy on Iraq, its impacts on the Iraqi people, and whether the U.S. is justified to go to war there.

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The First-Half Amendment: Freedom of the Press and War

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On this edition of Making Contact, we hear from syndicated columnist Norman Solomon, who shares his take on the media and the first amendment since September 11th.

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Above the Law? The U.S. and the International Criminal Court

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On this program, we take a look at U.S. government opposition to the ICC. And, the National Radio Project’s Women’s Desk examines what the establishment of the court could mean for victims of sexual violence in wartime.

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The Soul of Corn: Transgenics and the Cradle of Maize

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On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at the controversy over GMO contamination of corn crops in Mexico, a fundamental issue as the public considers the consequences of genetically engineered crops.

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Fuel to the Fire: Oil and Indigenous People in Colombia

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On this program we look at connections between oil corporations, indigenous peoples and the civil war in Colombia.

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The Debt Treadmill: Cyclical Poverty in the Third World (encore edition)

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On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at international debt, its causes, and why some are calling for the debts to be cancelled.

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Let’s Go to Mazar: A Chronicle of Life in Afghanistan after War

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Investigative journalist Pratap Chatterjee, traveled to Mazar-i-Sharif, the first city to fall to the Northern Alliance and the United States bombing raids in 2001. This week we present a special documentary that chronicles life after the end of the war.

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In Whose Service? GATS and the WTO

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Through discussion of the General Agreement on Trade in Services, we’ll take a look at the World Trade Organization’s momentum toward privatization of all service sectors, from accounting to electricity.

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Trashed: Waste Management and Environmental Impact

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On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look behind the scenes of common practices in the garbage industry. We also sift through some positive developments in Canada where municipalities are reducing the amount of landfill disposals by heading closer and closer toward zero-waste.

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Military Maneuvers: Women Uncovering War

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On this program from the Women’s Desk of the National Radio Project, we discuss the links between organized violence, sexuality and power. We also look at the ways militaries manipulate women for war.

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Where the Buck Stops: Alternative Economics

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On this program, we take a look at alternative economics and how new ideas about markets, currency, and resource allocation are fairing in a world dominated by capitalism.

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A History of Resistance: The People of Palestine

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On this program we take a look at the Palestinian’s long history of resistance to colonialism and the current conflict over the Occupied Territories.

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Preserving Songs: Oral Histories and Land Protection (encore edition)

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On this program, we take a look at indigenous oral histories and land preservation.

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Trouble in the U.S.A.: Human Rights at Home

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On this program, we take a look at human rights in the United States.

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