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Code Red: Status of the Constitution

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On this edition, we’ll examine how certain government actions since September 11th, 2001 are in conflict with the Constitution and hear about the Patriot Act II.

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Unwrapping Plastic: A Look at Food and Beverage Containers (encore edition)

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On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at the production, use, and disposal of plastic food and beverage containers.

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Racial Reflections: White Anti-Racist Activism (encore edition)

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On this roundtable edition of Making Contact, we take a look at what’s termed white privilege and white anti-racist activism.

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Dirty Secrets: Human Rights Abuses in Mexico

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On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at human rights crimes that continue to plague Mexican society and some responses from human rights organizations.

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Occupied with Peace: Jewish Responses to the Mideast Conflict

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On this edition of Making Contact, you’ll hear the viewpoints of Israeli Jews and Jewish Americans who are part of an international peace movement to end the violence in the Middle East.

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Oil Slick: Bechtel, Halliburton, and the White House

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On this edition of Making Contact, we look at a controversial pipeline deal that now-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld personally negotiated with Saddam Hussein on behalf of the Bechtel Corporation during the Reagan administration. We also examine Halliburton’s $7 billion dollar oil contract in Iraq.

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Before the Rains: The Struggle for Montes Azules

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On this edition of Making Contact, we go to Montes Azules and hear about threats by the Mexican government to forcibly remove dozens of communities from land that indigenous people and campesinos claim is rightly theirs.

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The New Global Peace Movement

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On this edition, musician Michael Franti, civil rights activist Jerome Scott and professor Angana Chatterji reflect on the anti-war movement and its significance for the future.

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Shifting the Debate: Alternatives to Corporate Globalization

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On this edition, we’ll hear from two key advocates of alternatives to economic globalization: physicist Vandana Shiva and economist John Cavanagh.

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Patriot Act Uncovered: The War on Civil Liberties

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On this edition, we’ll take a look at civil liberties in the United States in the post-September 11th era.

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Global Assault: Environmental Consequences of U.S Military Actions

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On this edition of Making Contact we take a look at the environmental record of the U.S. military.

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Capital Gains: Gulf War II

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On this week’s edition, we’ll take a closer look at how much control Iraqis will have over their land and assets when what the government is calling “Operation Iraqi Freedom” is over.

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Just War? U.S. Invasion of Iraq

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On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at the U.S. push toward war. We also examine US plans to develop and potentially use so-called mini-nukes.

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War, Death and Taxes

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On this edition of Making Contact, we’ll take a look at how the “certainties” of death and taxes interact with social justice.

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Life in the Shadow of Iraq: The Kurdish Struggle for Freedom

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This week we present a special documentary that chronicles Kurdish life in the shadow of Iraq.

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Hoods in the Night: Colombia’s Conflict and the Civilian Population

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On this edition of Making Contact, we go to the Colombian cities of Medellin and Bogota to hear first-hand what life is like for disenfranchised and displaced communities that are literally caught in the crossfire.

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Women Rising: International Changemakers

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On this edition of Making Contact, we profile three tireless and effective women.

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INS Secrets Unveiled: The U.S. War on Immigrants

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On this edition of Making Contact, correspondents Sarah Olson and Pauline Bartolone examine the treatment of immigrants under new INS policies and practices.

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Bottled Rights: Coca-Cola Workers

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On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at Coca-Cola and a couple examples of the corporation’s foreign operations.

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The War on Drugs Revisited

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On this Special Prison Desk edition of Making Contact, we take a look at the impacts of the so-called war on drugs.

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