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Before the Rains: The Struggle for Montes Azules


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Deep in the rainforests of Chiapas, Mexico, indigenous communities and campesinos are struggling for survival. They’re being accused of damaging the Montes Azules jungle. This is just a pretext, however, say non-governmental organizations that are tracking the situation. What’s at stake are potentially lucrative natural resources, such as water and oil…. and biodiversity. From the vantage point of corporate interests and the Mexican government, the people of Montes Azules — some of them supporters of the Zapatista National Liberation Army — stand-in the way.

On this edition of Making Contact, we go to Montes Azules and hear about threats by the Mexican government to forcibly remove dozens of communities from land that indigenous people and campesinos claim is rightly theirs.


Onesimo Hidalgo, co-director of Centro de Investigaciones Economicas y Politicas de Accion Comunitaria (CIEPAC) in San Crostobal; Miguel Torres, La Red de Defensores Comunitarios de Chiapas; Domingo Perez Gomez, displaced person from Montes Azules; Nicholas Morales Moshaun, community leader in Neuvo San Gregorio; and an indigenous Tzotzil woman from Nueva Israel.

For more information:

La Red de Defensores Comunitarios de Chiapas –San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Centro de Investigaciones Economicas y Politicas de Accion Comunitaria (CIEPAC)

Author: FoC Media

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