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The Third Option – Assisted Suicide

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In 1994, Oregonians voted to make doctor assisted suicide legal, the only law of its type in United States. On this edition, correspondent Barbara Bernstein speaks with activists and analysts on both sides of the issue.

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Who Owns Our Water? Profits vs. Public Interest

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Who Owns Our Water? Profits vs. Public Interest

On this edition, we’ll take a look at water as a basic human right. We’ll hear about a plan to privatize water services in Lagos, Nigeria, and we’ll hear about how activists in Maui, Hawaii are working to recover the island’s water sources for public use.

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Reaching for Peace in the Holy Land (encore edition)

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On this week’s edition of Making Contact, Israeli women defend Palestinian human rights at military checkpoints near Jerusalem.

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From Cradle to Grave: The Impact of Electronics (encore edition)

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On this week’s edition we take a closer look at what our gadgets are doing to our environment.

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The Chemical Industry’s Toxic Toll

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On this edition, we’ll look at the 20th anniversary of one of the world’s worst chemical disasters, at the Union Carbide factory in Bhopal, India, where we’ll hear about Occidental Petroleum’s toxic legacy at Love Canal and examine how corporate polluters are ignoring environmental causes of breast cancer.

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Hiroshima and its Legacy Today

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On this special edition of Making Contact, producer Reese Erlich looks at how the Hiroshima bombing set the moral and political tone for future aggression where we’ll hear from both Japanese and American atomic bomb survivors, and from today’s anti-nuke activists.

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Four More Years: Communities of Color Organize

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On this edition, we’ll hear from four activist leaders from communities of color addressing a number of issues related to the election: How did people of color vote? What was the media spin? And what challenges lie ahead over the next four years?

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International Activists React to the U.S. Election

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Grassroots activists and analysts from all corners of the globe, including Iraq, Venezuela, Ghana, Palestine, India, Mexico, England, and Pakistan react to another 4 years of George W. Bush in the White House.

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Women Rising III: International Changemakers Women Writer Activists

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In this Women’s Desk edition, we profile three courageous women writer-activists.

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Unreasonable Women in Unreasonable Times

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On this edition, we’ll hear stories of four women struggling for a cleaner environment and more peaceful society.

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Reckless Rhetoric: After Four Years of Bush

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On this edition, we take a look both at Bush’s words and his legacy after four years in office.

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ElectionWatch ’04 – The Final Choice

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On this edition we take a look at an international mission to observe the U.S. elections, look at the impacts of a decade-long Republican-controlled Congress, and hear about an effort in the hip hop movement to persuade young voters to go to the polls.

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Regulating Love

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On this edition, we take a look at how government is trying to increase marriage regulation: preventing same sex marriages on the one hand, and on the other, promoting marriage as an economic solution for low-income women.

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ElectionWatch ’04 – Systems Failure (encore edition)

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On this edition, we take a look at the disenfranchisement of African Americans in Florida, the debate over electronic voting machines, and Electoral College reform in the state of Colorado.

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ElectionWatch ’04 – Swinging the States

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On this edition, we hear from former federal employees who jeopardized their careers to expose official wrongdoing and hear about Daniel Ellsberg’s latest whistleblowing activities.

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Unauthorized Disclosure: Blowing the Whistle on Government Crimes

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On this edition, we hear from former federal employees who jeopardized their careers to expose official wrongdoing and hear about Daniel Ellsberg’s latest whistleblowing activities.

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A New York Welcome: Protesters Respond to the Republican Agenda

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On this edition, correspondent Pauline Bartolone takes us on an audio tour of the protests outside the largest demonstration against a political convention in U.S. history.

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Reaching for Peace in the Holy Land

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On this week’s edition of Making Contact, Israeli women defend Palestinian human rights at military checkpoints near Jerusalem.

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The Struggle for Food

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On this week’s edition we hear from people delivering fresh organic food to under-served neighborhoods, from farmers striking a balance between sustainability and survival, and from a biologist who became involved in a political struggle after discovering genetically contaminated corn in Mexico.

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Election Watch ’04: Working Hard for Change

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On this edition, we explore the economic anxieties driving voters – such as access to health insurance, affordable childcare, and livable wages.

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