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Got Rights? Global Women’s Voices for Health and Humanity

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Got Rights? Global Women’s Voices for Health and Humanity

From the rise of religious fundamentalism and the implementation of the “global gag rule” to neo-liberal economics and environmental justice, the common thread running through the 10th annual International Women and Health Meeting was improved human rights for women.

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Human Rights and the African American Experience

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Human Rights and the African American Experience

On this edition we’ll hear about one of the true ironies of the American civil rights movement is that while the U.S. was trying to lead the way in developing a framework for international human rights, it was leaving its own citizens behind, refusing to acknowledge the systematic social abandonment of African Americans.

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Tased… and Abused?

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Tased… and Abused?

On this edition, we take a look at the trouble over Taser International, the biggest brand name in stun gun technology, hearing from a number of sources close to the controversy: including law enforcement, activists, medical experts, company spokespeople, and one woman who says a Taser contributed to the death of her husband.

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Debating the Death Penalty

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Debating the Death Penalty

On this edition, we’ll hear from several sides of the debate over the death penalty, and about what two California lawmakers are doing to halt future executions.

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The New Green Revolution

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The New Green Revolution

On this edition, we take a look at the challenges rural people face, and the growing international movement to gain land rights.

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Harvesting Justice

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Harvesting Justice

On this edition, we’ll hear from speakers working on behalf of farm workers in the U.S. today, and we’ll hear from some of the farm workers themselves. Their message is clear: America’s farming community deserves our recognition and our support.

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Salmonlands (encore edition)

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Salmonlands (encore edition)

On this edition, producer Barbara Bernstein takes us on a journey into the land of salmon. Why are they so significant and what will it take to keep them from disappearing?

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Katrina Uncovers: Poverty in a Land of Plenty

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Katrina Uncovers: Poverty in a Land of Plenty

Making Contact takes a look at poverty in the United States. We explore homelessness, economic injustice, and a dwindling federal safety net that has left millions of Americans in dire straits

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Women Rising VI: International Changemakers Whistleblowers

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Women Rising VI: International Changemakers Whistleblowers

Women are gaining influence as leaders throughout the world, fighting for peace, justice, the environment and civil society. In this special edition, we profile three courageous whistleblowers in the United States.

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Enduring Choice (encore edition)

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Enduring Choice (encore edition)

From prison cells, to the barrios in Fresno, California, women of color are organizing around the broad theme of reproductive justice.

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Unplugging a Media Giant

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Unplugging a Media Giant

A look at how Clear Channel came to be the largest owner of radio stations in North America and the many people fighting against it.

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Stand Up, Speak Out: Honoring Human Rights

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Stand Up, Speak Out: Honoring Human Rights

Three prominent speakers: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson; Children Defense Fund President, Marian Wright Edelman, talk about the meaning of human rights.

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Rethinking AIDS Treatment: The Brazilian Model

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American activists say we have a lot to learn from Brazil–from grassroot sex education and free medicine for anyone who is HIV positive.

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Marketing the Military

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Marketing the Military

The United States military has recently been pouring millions of tax dollars into recruitment efforts including a new military ad campaign aimed not only at teens, but also at parents.

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Left, Right and Christian (part 2)

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Left, Right and Christian (part 2)

On this special edition, part two of “Left, Right and Christian,” we look at faith politics in conservative Orange County, CA and discovered a few surprises in our search.

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The Juvenile Injustice System (encore edition)

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The Juvenile Injustice System (encore edition)

On this edition, we’ll hear about scandal-ridden California youth authority, abuses inside one Brazil juvenile detention center, as well as alternative approaches helping troubled kids.

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Spirituality, Morality and the Left

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Spirituality, Morality and the Left

A growing movement is working to put spirituality and morality back into the left wing; its goals are specific: unite secular and religious liberals by reclaiming faith, replace the culture of materialism with one of love and care, and challenge the religious right.

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Katrina Uncovers: Structural Injustice

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Katrina Uncovers: Structural Injustice

On this edition, part four of a series on Katrina, we hear from grassroots activist Damu Smith, about the systemic poverty and racism which made a horrific natural disaster far worse.

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Left, Right and Christian (part 1)

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Left, Right and Christian (part 1)

On this special edition, the first of a two-part series, we journey through the reddest county in the nation – Orange County, California. Along the way, we visit with a Catholic relief worker, politically passionate churchgoers and grassroots organizers.

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Katrina Uncovers: Those Left Behind

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Katrina Uncovers: Those Left Behind

More than a month has passed since Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast. And still, in New Orleans nearly two-thirds of the power is out, the tap water is not drinkable, and garbage and debris fill the deserted streets.

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