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North Korean Immigrants: Crossing Borders, Risking All

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North Korean Immigrants: Crossing Borders, Risking All

North Koreans live in one of the most politically oppressive and economically depressed societies on the globe. On this edition, we hear the stories of two North Koreans who crossed border after border, eventually making their way into the U.S.

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Dissenters or Deserters?

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Dissenters or Deserters?

On this edition, we hear from several U.S. soldiers who made a choice to put their futures on the line. First, by joining the U.S. military, and next by refusing to fight the war in Iraq.

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The War on Torture: U.S. Policy Exposed

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The War on Torture: U.S. Policy Exposed

On this edition, is the U.S. practicing inexcusable torture or are these instances of overzealous intelligence gathering by a nation at war?

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Marketing the Military (encore edition)

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Marketing the Military (encore edition)

The United States military has recently been pouring millions of tax dollars into recruitment efforts in an attempt to counteract well-publicized, Iraq war-influenced, recruitment dropoffs.

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Women Rising VII: International Changemakers in Politics

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Women Rising VII: International Changemakers in Politics

In this program we profile three courageous politicians, women who have chosen to create progressive change through government.

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LGBTQ: On the Streets, In the Schools, Outside the System

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LGBTQ: On the Streets, In the Schools, Outside the System

On this edition, we’ll hear from the LGBTQ community, on the streets, in the schools and outside the system.

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Daniel Ellsberg – Truth-telling in a Time of War

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Daniel Ellsberg – Truth-telling in a Time of War

On this edition, we hear from Ellsberg delivering a speech to anti-war activists at the Crawford Peace House in Texas. He reflects on civil disobedience advocating for people to blow the whistle and go to jail in order to save lives.

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Queer Youth Challenges (encore edition)

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On this edition, we’ll take a look at the unique perspective of LGBTQ youth on such topics as foster care, childhood sexual abuse, and disability.

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Nuclear Ambitions and Double Standards

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Nuclear Ambitions and Double Standards

On this edition, we’ll look at the recent nuclear power deal between the United States and India, which critics say could spark a nuclear arms race in South Asia.

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Nepal’s Call for Democracy

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Nepal’s Call for Democracy

The demonstrations forced the King to restore parliament, but on this edition, as Reese Erlich reports from Kathmandu, the democracy movement demands that the King give up power altogether. In a second segment, Erlich talks with tourists who, despite the turmoil in Nepal, are still trekking around.

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Iraq and the Changing Peace Movement

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Iraq and the Changing Peace Movement

On this edition, we take a look at where the anti-war movement is heading.

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The Long Walk to Abolish the Death Penalty

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The Long Walk to Abolish the Death Penalty

On this edition, Making Contact’s Sarah Olson takes us on this 25-mile journey on a cool, sunny day on February 20th. It’s a walk of protest, peace, and compassion.

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Katrina Uncovers: Exploited Workers and Endangered Wetlands

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On this edition, we hear from migrant workers helping to clean up and rebuild New Orleans, and about their struggle for better wages and working conditions.

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Cow Heaven: Saving Agricultural Land

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Cow Heaven: Saving Agricultural Land

In this edition of Making Contact, we learn how West Marin was permanently preserved as farms and agricultural open space.

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The History of Class Struggle in the U.S.

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The History of Class Struggle in the U.S.

On this edition we take a look at the history of class struggle where we hear from two contemporary writers: Phil Gasper, editor of a new version of the Communist Manifesto, and Sharon Smith, author of a new book on working class radicalism in the U.S.

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Katrina Uncovers: Rebuilding Hope in New Orleans

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Katrina Uncovers: Rebuilding Hope in New Orleans

On this edition, we go to New Orleans, where we hear from local people working to rebuild their communities.

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Rethinking AIDS Treatment: The Brazilian Model (encore edition)

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Independent producer Reese Erlich reports from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil about grassroots groups who have successfully educated sex workers and many others on the dangers of AIDS.

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Nuking the Neighborhood

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Nuking the Neighborhood

On this edition, we’ll hear how the world’s most powerful weapons, nuclear bombs, shaped the identity of two rural communities in the United States during the 1960s

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Women Rising IV: International Changemakers Women as Religious Activists (encore edition)

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Women Rising IV: International Changemakers Women as Religious Activists (encore edition)

In this program we profile three courageous women struggling with religious issues.

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Lifeline to Kashmir

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Lifeline to Kashmir

On this edition, we’ll hear from one grassroots organization that has close and personal ties to Kashmir, as they bring aid directly along with a message of hope to the people effected by the 7-point-six earthquake.

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