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Here Come Los Suns: Dave Zirin on Sports and Resistance

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Here Come Los Suns: Dave Zirin on Sports and Resistance

Sports writer Dave Zirin tells the story of how the Phoenix Suns basketball team took a stand against their state’s anti-immigrant bill SB1070. He says athletes, too, can be revolutionaries.

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Oscar Grant and Police Accountability

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Oscar Grant and Police Accountability

We take a look at the police killing of Oscar Grant in Oakland, and the debate over who gets to decide when an officer has done something wrong.

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Venezuela: Is the Bolivarian Revolution Working?

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Venezuela: Is the Bolivarian Revolution Working?

Venezuela is undergoing a modern day revolution. Workers, small farmers and the poor consistently vote for socialist President Hugo Chavez. Economically better-off citizens denounce the president as a communist who is destroying the country, but even some on the left criticize Chavez.

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Lessons from Latin America

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Lessons from Latin America

We hear from activists and experts who say the U.S. can learn a lot from social movements in Latin America.

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Crisis as Opportunity: Voices from the U.S. Social Forum

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Crisis as Opportunity: Voices from the U.S. Social Forum

This June, thousands of grassroots activists converged on Detroit, Michigan to attend the 2010 United States Social Forum. We were there and on this edition of Making Contact, we’ll bring you some of the local and international voices we found.

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Immigrant Families Behind Bars (encore)

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Immigrant Families Behind Bars (encore)

In a special collaboration with Feet in Two Worlds, we hear about an immigrant family torn apart after an immigration raid in Arizona. Also, grassroots efforts help change policies at a detention center in Texas.

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Working Beyond Unions

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Working Beyond Unions

It’s been decades since the U.S. has had a powerful labor movement and recent efforts to revive it have mostly fallen flat. But there is hope for a new labor movement that goes beyond the unions.

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James Lawson: Non-Violent Warrior

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James Lawson: Non-Violent Warrior

An interview with James Lawson, the chief architect of the 1960 lunch counter sit-ins, and confidant to Martin Luther King. Lawson touches on everything from Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez to the modern gay rights and environmental movements.

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Beyond Gay Marriage

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Beyond Gay Marriage

For many people in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community, the struggle to legalize gay marriage across the U.S. remains the priority political battle. But others in the LGBT community disagree. They question whether gay marriage should be the central issue of their movement.

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Art in Action

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Art in Action

Art is everywhere…but why do we do it? On this edition, we speak with young artists of diverse backgrounds who use their independent experiences and creative impulses to talk about race, identity, and politics…and along the way to self-reflect.

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The Road to Detroit: US Social Forum 2010

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The Road to Detroit: US Social Forum 2010

This June, the US Social Forum will be held in Detroit, Michigan.  We look at how Domestic Workers got organized at the last US Social Forum and we ask, what can we learn from the fall and rise of one of America’s great industrial cities?

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How We Survive: The Crisis in K-12 Education

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How We Survive: The Crisis in K-12 Education

State budgets are strapped and deep cuts to public programs continue. On this edition, we look at the crisis in K through 12 education. While the Obama administration pushes states to “Race to the Top,” teachers, parents and students are resisting budget cuts from the bottom up.

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Heavy Weather (Part II)

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Heavy Weather (Part II)

We’ll hear part two of a documentary called Heavy Weather, produced by freelancer Barbara Bernstein. She’ll look at how climate change is creating new challenges in urban communities as they recognize the need to think and act sustainably.

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LGBTQ Immigrants Speak Out

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LGBTQ Immigrants Speak Out

Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender immigrants not only have to hide their legal identity, but their sexuality too. Living illegally in the U.S. is not only their refuge, but also their biggest fear.

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Heavy Weather (Part I)

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Heavy Weather (Part I)

We’ll hear part one of a documentary called Heavy Weather, produced by freelancer Barbara Bernstein. She’ll explore the connections between the increase in extreme weather and our changing climate and landscapes.

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Tax the Rich, Help Save America?

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Tax the Rich, Help Save America?

We take a look at a tax revolt movement you might not have heard about, including upper income folks asking for tax increases on themselves.  And we compare the tax burdens and benefits in Europe and the United States. 

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Can American Journalism Be Saved?

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Can American Journalism Be Saved?

The business model of journalism is collapsing. Thousands of journalists have lost their jobs, newspapers are folding, and major dailies are in bankruptcy. This week we hear a discussion about government subsidies and new funding models to save the Fourth Estate.

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‘Soul of a Citizen’

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‘Soul of a Citizen’

Author Paul Loeb is re-releasing his book, “Soul of a Citizen: Living with Conviction in Challenging Times.” He’s collected stories of everyday people working for social justice.  On this edition, we’ll hear from Loeb and two people profiled in the book.

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‘Race, Immigration and the Fight for an Open Internet’

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‘Race, Immigration and the Fight for an Open Internet’

G.W. Williams Center for Independent Journalism and New American Media present a panel discussion that looks at net neutrality and the digital divide. What is it? Why should we care? What’s at stake for immigrant communities and communities of color in the fight over who controls the Internet? 

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Back from Copenhagen: Moving Climate Justice Forward

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Back from Copenhagen: Moving Climate Justice Forward

The climate talks at Copenhagen closed in 2009 with no binding agreements or timetables for curbing greenhouse gas emissions. On this edition, we hear from climate justice activists who went to Copenhagen and say we need a system change, not climate change.

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