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Can American Journalism Be Saved?


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future of print journalism

What is the future of print journalism? Source:

The business model of journalism is collapsing. Thousands of journalists have lost their jobs, newspapers are folding, and major dailies are in bankruptcy. Sources blame the rise of the internet and the economic recession. But some argue the industry’s crisis was accelerated by a decades-old trend – corporate ownership and the rise of the media conglomerate. On this edition, we hear a discussion about government subsidies and new funding models to save the Fourth Estate.


Robert McChesney, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign communications professor and co-author of “The Death and Life of American Journalism;” John Nichols, Washington Correspondent, The Nation Magazine; Laura Flanders, GRIT TV Host; David Carr, The New York Times Columnist; Pamela Newkirk, NYU Journalism professor. 

For more information:

Free Press
Washington, DC

John Nichol’s Political blog on The Nation

Media Matters for America
Washington, DC

The Nation
New York, NY

Articles, Blogs, Films, Reports, Other:

David Carr’s Biography on NYTimes

The Death and Life of American Journalism from NationBooks

‘How to Save Journalism’
An article excerpted from the book “The Death and Life of American Journalism”

The Nation magazine podcast

Pamela Newkirk’s bio on TheNation

Robert McChesney’s website


John Fahey, The Death of the Clayton Peacock
John Fahey, Orinda Moraga

Author: FoC Media

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