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Daze of Justice

Daze of Justice

  Via our adaptation of Michael Siv’s documentary, we hear the intimate story of trailblazing Cambodian-American women who break decades of silence, abandoning the security of their American homes on a journey back into Cambodia’s killing fields, only this time not as victims but as witnesses determined to resurrect the memory of their loved ones before the UN Special Tribunal prosecuting the Khmer Rouge. Only Daze of...

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The Nakba, the Naksa, and the Future of Palestine

In 1948 Zionist militias expelled over 700,000 Palestinians from their villages and towns. The event, and the ongoing destruction and occupation of Palestine are referred to as the Nakba, “The Catastrophe.” How did the events of 1948 shape Palestine and its diaspora? And now, 70 years later, how are Palestinians fighting to return home? As news spreads of recent violence against Palestinian demonstrators calling for their right to...

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The Seekers, Pt. 1: Freedom from Violence

The Seekers, Pt. 1: Freedom from Violence

The Seekers, is the first in a two-part documentary series that examines the experiences of Central American migrants seeking asylum in the US. El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala are among the most dangerous countries in the world for women. Each year, thousands of women flee from these Northern Triangle Countries to escape the brutality that stem from drugs and gangs. Now, many Central American migrants are being returned to their...

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The Spirit of Vietnam Is Stronger Than U.S. Bombs

The Spirit of Vietnam Is Stronger Than U.S. Bombs

Fifty years ago, the American War in Vietnam was at its height. There, people had fought against Japanese and French colonial rule, and now, the U.S. attempt at domination was once again, turning family members, friends, and neighbors against each other. For the U.S. government, this was just another Cold War battleground, and deaths of 2.1 – 3.8 million Vietnamese people were seen as collateral damage to establishing U.S. rule...

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The End of Policing, Alex Vitale

The End of Policing, Alex Vitale

Alex Vitale is Professor of Sociology and coordinator of the Policing and Social Justice Project at Brooklyn College. Vitale’s book The End of Policing, is an accessible study of police history as an imperial tool for social control that continues to exacerbate class and racial tensions.  —- Vitale also goes deep into the shortcomings of reform and in contrast, deepens the conversations around meaningful alternatives...

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Parenting From Prison, Inside Out

Parenting From Prison, Inside Out

Like this program? Please show us the love. Click here and support our non-profit journalism. Thanks! When one or both parents are in prison the whole family is, in a way, also imprisoned. Family members are negatively affected in ways that worsen existing struggles and inequities. Today we’ll go to New York and New Hampshire to hear about programs for inmates and families that encourage rebuilding and maintaining relationships...

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