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Fifty years ago, the American War in Vietnam was at its height. There, people had fought against Japanese and French colonial rule, and now, the U.S. attempt at domination was once again, turning family members, friends, and neighbors against each other.
For the U.S. government, this was just another Cold War battleground, and deaths of 2.1 – 3.8 million Vietnamese people were seen as collateral damage to establishing U.S. rule over the region. But people of color around the world saw the resistance in Vietnam as a source of inspiration.
On today’s Making Contact, we hear excerpts from an intergenerational teach-in held by the Vietnam Victory coalition in 2015 called The Spirit of Vietnam is Stronger Than U.S. Bombs.
Special Thanks to Thuy Trang Nguyen and the Vietnam Victory Coalition for their organizing and for allowing us to air excerpts of this intergenerational teach-in on Making Contact.
Photo Credit: Colonialists, International Traitors, Think Carefully Before You Take Vietnam – To Lien (1978), Courtesy of the Vietnam Victory Coalition
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- Live performance by Nhàn Thanh Ngô
Vietnam Agent Orange Relief and Responsibility Campaign
SPEECH: Martin Luther King Why I am Opposed to the War in Vietnam Huey Newton’s Letter to National Liberation Front of South Vietnam FULL AUDIO The Spirit of Viet Nam is Stronger Than U.S. Bombs: An Intergenerational Teach-In BOOK: The People Make The Peace edited by Karin Aguilar San Juan and Frank Joyce INTERVIEW: An Interview with Alex Hing INTERVIEWS: 40th Anniversary of Ending the U.S. War in Viet Nam featuring Thuy Trang Nguyen (VietUnity), Michael Wong (Veterans for Peace, Chapter 69), Armael Malinis (Migrante SF)More Information: