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David Korten and the Great Turning

David Korten new book, “The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community” examines how current economic models are producing devastating consequences for people and planet. In this edition, Korten speaks about being on the cusp of a major shift from a world dominated by economic values to one that embraces human values.


Waves of Change, Rivers of Doubt: Global Water Issues and Solutions

In this edition, we look at some core water issues affecting people around the world, including privatization, access to clean water, desalination technology, bottled water debates, and non-point source pollution.


Nuclear Ambitions and Double Standards

On this edition, we’ll look at the recent nuclear power deal between the United States and India, which critics say could spark a nuclear arms race in South Asia.


Katrina Uncovers: Exploited Workers and Endangered Wetlands

On this edition, we hear from migrant workers helping to clean up and rebuild New Orleans, and about their struggle for better wages and working conditions.


Cow Heaven: Saving Agricultural Land

In this edition of Making Contact, we learn how West Marin was permanently preserved as farms and agricultural open space.


The New Green Revolution

On this edition, we take a look at the challenges rural people face, and the growing international movement to gain land rights.
