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Pesticides on the Playground

Is your children’s schoolyard routinely sprayed with pesticides? How safe your children are might depend on where you live. Today we hear about how and why one pesticide has been banned for household use, but affects the health of farmworkers and their children. Children’s health is especially fragile–so why aren’t we protecting them? Featuring:    Kim Harley, UC Berkeley Center for Environmental...


Chlorpyrifos: Banned for Most Americans, Farmworkers & Their Children Left Behind

The pesticide chlorpyrifos was banned for household use over a dozen years ago, but it is still widely applied in agriculture. We’ll explore the health risks for children, especially in farmworking communities, in this report. Featuring: Kim Harley, University of California, Berkeley professor and associate director of the Center for Environmental Research & Children’s Health Isabel Arrollo, El Quinto...


G.M.No!! Genetically Modified Democracy

This week’s program is part of What the Fork, a collaboration between Making Contact, Center for Media and Democracy/The Progressive Magazine, ALEC-Exposed and Food Democracy Now.  Click here to go to the full project site.   More than 60 countries either ban or require labeling on GMO foods; the US is not one of them. As GMO regulation moves to a local level, frustrated consumers and farmers are pushing for state or county...


Reclaiming the Commons

From pedestrian plazas to pop-up-parklets…cities are looking to create spaces for people to gather, interact and create.  But are some people being left out of this new urban renaissance? This week:  from Detroit, to Montreal, to Istanbul, people are reclaiming the commons.  How do we create public spaces that are embracing and inclusive? Featuring: Susan Silberberg, MIT lecturer in Urban Design and Planning...


Sounding the Alarm: Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is a growing problem. Effecting everything from the lives of people living under airplane flight paths, to marine life. On this edition, we’ll hear from people struggling to be heard over the din of our noisy modern life and ask, is there anywhere left in the world you can get some peace and quiet? Featuring Les Blomberg, Noise Pollution Clearing House executive director Bernie Krause, Wild Sanctuary founder Gordon...


Women Rising #24—Activist Women of Greenpeace

We profile women of Greenpeace, the legendary eco-activist organization. Hettie Geenan is first mate on the Greenpeace ship, Rainbow Warrior. Leila Deen leads the campaign against fracking. And Laila Williams connects Greenpeace with indigenous communities, women’s groups and people of color.  Happy International Women’s Day March 8th! Featuring:    Leila Deen, Greepeace Senior Campaigner Hettie Geenen, First Mate on the Rainbow...
