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We profile women of Greenpeace, the legendary eco-activist organization. Hettie Geenan is first mate on the Greenpeace ship, Rainbow Warrior. Leila Deen leads the campaign against fracking. And Laila Williams connects Greenpeace with indigenous communities, women’s groups and people of color. Happy International Women’s Day March 8th!
- Leila Deen, Greepeace Senior Campaigner
- Hettie Geenen, First Mate on the Rainbow Warrior
- Laila Wiiams, Ruckus Society program associate
Host: Sandina Robbins
Contributing Producer and Executive of Women Rising: Lynn Feinerman
Sound Editor: Shora Zamani
Field Sound Recordist on Rainbow Warrior: Laura Flynn
Making Contact Producers: George Lavender, Andrew Stelzer