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Tax Me, I’m Yours

It’s tax time. Yet even in these hard economic times, many folks are calling for more taxes. On this edition, we hear from people who say we need to reframe the tax structure to support “the commons” and fund socialprograms.


Women Rising IV: Women as Religious Activists (encore)

Three courageous women struggling with religious issues within their own religions and across religious lines.


Guard Us All? Immigrant Women and the HPV Vaccine

A controversial vaccine is at the intersection of immigrant rights and reproductive justice organizing. The HPV vaccine is mandatory for permanent resident status, and advocates say it follows a history of controlling the bodies of women of color.


Exxon’s Oil to Tennessee’s Coal

Twenty years after the Exxon Valdez oil spill, we hear from Alaskans who saw their homes forever altered, and have been fighting Exxon in court ever since. And we go to Tennessee, where a 2008 coal sludge flood is being called the new Exxon Valdez.


The War Comes Home: Washington’s Battle Against America’s Veterans

As we mark the 6th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, reporter Aaron Glantz takes us inside the war as it comes home to our communities. We focus on the role educational institutions can play in helping former soldiers adjust to civilian life.


Women Rising XIX: Masters of the Spoken Word

We profile two American masters of the spoken word; provoking, inspiring, and moving us to action. Eve Ensler, playwright of the hit ‘Vagina Monologues’ shares the innovative work of her organization, V-Day, and renowned storyteller, Diane Ferlatte, talks with us about using her art as an international bridge over cultural divides.


What Kind of Liberation? Women and Iraq

Author and activist Nadje Al-Ali talks about the reality of women’s lives in Iraq.

Erica Fernandez vs. BHP Billiton Petroleum

Erica Fernandez vs. BHP Billiton Petroleum

Erica Fernandez successfully helped her community defy a multi-national billion-dollar corporation from building a liquefied natural gas facility near her home town.

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How We Survive: The Deepening Homeless Crisis

We visit with a family who lost their home and now lives inside their cramped trailer in a city parking lot. And, how two different communities are dealing with the economic crisis by taking matters into their own hands.

We’re Not Couch Potatoes: TV Fans Get Politically Active Online

We’re Not Couch Potatoes: TV Fans Get Politically Active Online

We take a look back at the 2007 writers’ strike, and see how the largest political force in the country, television watchers, helped bring the networks to their knees.

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