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Live From Main Street Seattle: Women on Real National Security


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Live From Main Street host Laura Flanders.

Live From Main Street host Laura Flanders.

Let’s move beyond lipstick and hockey pucks to investigate what real national security looks like.

On this edition, an all-women panel examines how issues of national security impact our daily lives, and ask the tough questions about how to build a better future. Does the solution lie in our military or social policies? What are women doing to ensure security in their communities and in the world at large? And how does the militarization of our budget affect security in other areas of our lives?

Hosted by GRIT TV personality Laura Flanders, produced by The Media Consortium, and adapted for radio by Making Contact.

Event will feature:

Commissioner Gael Tarleton, Port of Seattle Commissioner; Carol Kessler, Pacific Northwest Center for Global Security National Lab Director and Women in International Security Co-chair; Rep. Maralyn Chase, Washington’s 32nd District and Washington State Director for the Women Legislator’s Lobby; Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, Mom’s Rising Executive Director; Martha Burk, Ms. Magazine Author and Money Editor; Sarah Van Gelder, YES! Magazine Executive Editor;Mako Fitts, Seattle University Women’s Studies and Sociology professor and Communities Against Rape and Abuse board member.

Live From Main Street is a tour of the U.S. in election year 2008, hosted by Grit TV’s Laura Flanders, produced by The Media Consortium and adapted for radio by the National Radio Project/Making Contact.

Live From Main Street Crew
Host: Laura Flanders, Grit TV
Produced by: The Media Consortium
Technical Assistant: David Rowley

Making Contact Crew
Executive Producer/Host: Tena Rubio
Producer: Andrew Stelzer
Associate Producer: Puck Lo
Executive Director: Lisa Rudman
Associate Director: Khanh Pham
Production Coordinator: Elena Botkin-Levy
Intern: Kiesha Thomas

For more information:

Gael Tarleton

Amy Woodbury

Community to Community Development

Yes Magazine

Ms. Magazine

Moms Rising

Rep. Maralyn Chase

The Women’s Legislators Lobby

Grit TV

Live From Main Street

Author: FoC Media

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