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Live From Main Street Ohio: Will Your Vote Count?


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Live From Main Street host Laura Flanders.

Live From Main Street host Laura Flanders.

On this edition, we go to Ohio, the scene of election day chaos in 2004. Long lines, a shortage of voting machines, voter challenges, and unprocessed registrations led some members of Congress to challenge the validity of the presidential election.

This time around, Ohio is again a crucial swing state, and it remains to be seen whether changes in voting laws there and in other states will make the process better or worse for citizens who want to cast their votes.

Live From Main Street is a tour of the U.S. in election year 2008, hosted by Grit TV’s Laura Flanders, produced by The Media Consortium and adapted for radio by the National Radio Project/Making Contact.


Steven Rosenfeld, senior fellow at AlterNet and the author of Count My Vote: A Citizen’s Guide to Voting; Bo Lipari, Executive Director of New Yorkers for Verified Voting; Wendy Weiser, director of the Brennan Center’s work on voting rights and elections; Docia Buffington, lead organizer for the Youth Voter Collective; Frances Fox Piven, author and professor; Dr. Divine Pryor, Executive Director of the Center for NuLeadership on Urban Solutions; Bob Fitrakis, author of How the GOP Stole America’s 2004 Election & Is Rigging 2008; Donita Judge, lead Ohio attorney for the Advancement Project’s Power and Democracy team.

Live From Main Street Crew
Host: Laura Flanders, Grit TV
Produced by: The Media Consortium
Technical Assistant: David Rowley

Making Contact Crew
Executive Producer/Host: Tena Rubio
Host: Andrew Stelzer
Associate Producer: Puck Lo
Executive Director: Lisa Rudman
Associate Director: Khanh Pham
Production Coordinator: Elena Botkin-Levy
Intern: Kiesha Thomas

For more information:

The Brennan Center for Justice – New York, NY

Center for NuLeadership on Urban Solutions – Brooklyn, NY

New Yorkers for Verified Voting – Mecklenburg, NY

The League of Young Voters – Brooklyn, NY

The Youth Voter Collective

The Hightower Lowdown

Grit TV

Live From Main Street


Author: FoC Media

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