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Trouble at Sea: The State of the World’s Oceans (encore edition)

On this edition of Making Contact, we’ll take a look at the over-all health of the ocean today, along with a close-up of the impact of cruise ships and shrimp farming.


Patagonian Winds of Resistance

On this edition of Making Contact Pauline Bartolone traveled to the small town of Esquel in Southern Argentina, where the residents successfully halted the gold mining venture as part of a larger movement of social transformation in Argentina.


War Against Women, Women Against War: A Report Back From the World Social Forum

On this edition of Making Contact, we feature three leading feminists: Egyptian sociologist Nawal El Saadawi, activist and author Arundhati Roy, and Saher Saba of the Revolutionary Association of Women in Afghanistan (RAWA) who discuss the disproportionate impacts that fundamentalism, colonization, and corporate globalization have on women.


ElectionWatch ’04 – Home Economics: Women and Voting

On this edition of Making Contact’s ElectionWatch’04- a monthly special from the National Radio Project- we explore the pre-election concerns of a variety of women, including women in labor unions, Latina immigrants and unmarried women as powerful voting blocs.


Legacies of War

On this edition of Making Contact, we’ll take a look at the Legacies of War – the aftermath of military conflicts, which take a toll on people worldwide.


Chemical Soup: Pollutants in the Body

On this edition, we’ll take a look at these everyday chemicals in our air, water, dust, and food coming from everyday products like detergents, cookware, and cosmetics and how they’re being regulated.


A Poor System: Welfare Punishing Women

On this program, from the Women’s Desk of the National Radio Project, we look at the history and attitudes behind welfare policy in the United States, where we will hear from recipients who have experienced first-hand how the welfare system treats women like criminals for being poor.


ElectionWatch ’04 Youth Vote: Mobilizing from the Grassroots

On this edition of Making Contact’s ElectionWatch ’04-a monthly special from the National Radio Project-we conduct a roundtable discussion with young activists and grass-roots organizers about youth voting behavior and efforts to mobilize young people around the 2004 presidential elections.


Empty Promises? NAFTA at 10

On this edition of Making Contact, we hear from people who are working on the front lines of so-called free trade-farmers and a fisherman-and get their perspectives on corporate-led economic globalization.


Queer as Youth (encore edition)

On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at the hostile climate for LGBT youth, youth activism in schools, and a new radio show in Chicago for queer Latino youth.
